State School
#3 in Best Secondary Schools in Walsall

Queen Mary's High School - Ofsted Report, Parent Reviews (2025)

Queen Mary's High School
Queen Mary's High School
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Previous inspection Not Previously Inspected
Leadership and management Good
Achievement of pupils Good
Quality of teaching Good
Behaviour and safety of pupils Outstanding
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Academic Progress: Pupils achieve exceptionally well across the whole curriculum.
Behaviour and Attitudes: Behaviour is exemplary; pupils are courteous and helpful.
Qualifications and Training: Teachers have excellent subject knowledge.
Current Educational Practices: Teachers use detailed plans and focused questions to deepen understanding.
Strengths and Challenges: Strong pastoral support helps pupils who fall behind.
Opportunities for Involvement: Numerous opportunities for clubs and activities initiated by pupils.
Communication: Parents can use Ofsted Parent View to give opinions.
Parent Satisfaction: Parents report high satisfaction and safety in school environment.
Handling Conflicts and Concerns: Leaders have effective systems to check the quality of the school's work.
Actions for Quality Improvement: School leaders have designed a challenging curriculum promoting deep knowledge and understanding.
Managing Bullying and Safety: Bullying is not an issue, and pupils feel very safe.
Promoting Welfare and Safety: School is proactive in developing strategies to prevent concerns.
Extracurricular Offerings: There is an extensive offer of clubs and activities.
Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars: Disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are encouraged to attend activities.
Career Counselling Services: Careers guidance is highly valued with many high-quality opportunities.
Preparation for Sixth Form: Curriculum prepares pupils exceptionally well for future lives, including examinations.
Managing and Supporting SEND: Pupils with SEND have individualised plans and develop coping strategies.
Historical Ofsted reports
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About Us

Queen Mary's High School is a Secondary, Girls school located in West Midlands County, West Midlands.

It has 937 students from age 11-18 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 17 : 1.

At this school, 99% of pupils achieved grade 5 or more at GCSE.

95.90% of pupils completing their main study programme.

This school rated Good by recent Ofsted inspection.

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Queen Mary's High School
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From the Queen Mary's High School
The development of the "whole person" and the love of learning are at the core of Queen Mary's High School's ethos and culture. Queen Mary's High School is an exceptional girls' grammar school with a reputation for upholding the highest academic standards.
Queen Mary's is a school that assists kids with unique learning challenges or special abilities by providing high-quality instruction, pastoral care, and supervision, as well as a broad and diverse curriculum that is both formal and casual in nature.
Being a founding member of the Mercian Trust, which expands the opportunities available to our pupils in terms of both the breadth of the curriculum after 16 and also through a variety of extracurricular opportunities, further improves our provision.
The leadership team at the school is forward-thinking and has the flexibility to act fast when circumstances change.
The leadership team collaborates with the governors to assess its own performance and establish the school's priorities.
All induction procedures, staff development programmes, and performance management practises make it apparent that there are high standards for teaching and learning as well as good relationships among staff, students, and parents.
Students commit to their academic obligations and involvement in the school community in exchange for receiving consistently high-quality instruction.
In order for governors to be able to contribute to the school's strategic development, they are provided with sufficient training, clear communication about school matters, and connections to the school.
Support for neighbourhood institutions and organisations, as well as a dedication to fundraising for charitable causes, serve as indicators of the school's involvement in the larger community.
Finally, because of the school's reputation, culture, and familial atmosphere, everyone connected to it is delighted to maintain a relationship with Queen Mary's High School even when they no longer participate in its daily activities.
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Phase of Education Secondary Secondary Secondary
Type Academies Academies Academies
Snobe grade
Ofset report Good Good Outstanding
Age range 11-18 11-18 11-18
Gender Girls Co-Ed Boys
Student teacher ratio 17.9 - 19
Proficient Math - - -
Proficient Read - - -
Grade 5 or above GCSE 99% 98% 98%
Grade 5 or above A Level 22.60% 35.00% 30.30%
Day Fees - - -
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Queen Mary's High School Ratings & Reviews
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Secondary Exam Result

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.74 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 74.2 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 99% 32% 30.03%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 99% 47.31% 43.07%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 74% 26.41% 25.06%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 70% 10.83% 10.91%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 74% 15.07% 15.51%
EBacc average points score 7.09 2.97 2.83

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 99% 89.14% 90.53%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 119 158 144
Pupils staying in education 99% 82.68% 84.16%
Further education college or other further education provider 3% 40.32% 32.73%
School sixth forms 92% 40.14% 29.8%
Sixth form colleges 3% 0.27% 10.22%
Other education destinations 2% 2.14% 11.43%
Pupils in apprenticeships 0% 2.27% 2.8%
Pupils staying in employment 0% 4.18% 3.59%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.71 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 76.6 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 98% 37.61% 32.85%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 98% 51.75% 45.33%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 83% 25.07% 24.94%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 78% 13.54% 13.02%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 82% 17.68% 17.19%
EBacc average points score 7.42 3.25 2.97

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 100% 91.55% 90.4%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 117 153 141
Pupils staying in education 99% 86.86% 86.29%
Further education college or other further education provider 1% 37.68% 34.03%
School sixth forms 97% 43.64% 30.82%
Sixth form colleges 0% 0.41% 10.38%
Other education destinations 1% 5.27% 11.08%
Pupils in apprenticeships 1% 1.36% 1.99%
Pupils staying in employment 0% 3.27% 2.13%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.58 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 71.3 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 97% 2 35.08% 29.3%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 100% 2 52.62% 43.41%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 79% 25.96% 25.8%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 68% 11 12.81% 11.47%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 77% 9 17.5% 16.49%
EBacc average points score 6.79 3.29 2.88

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 100% 92.52% 90.2%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 97 145 135
Pupils staying in education 100% 86.9% 84.08%
Further education college or other further education provider 5% 34.71% 33.25%
School sixth forms 90% 43.43% 31.27%
Sixth form colleges 4% 0.19% 8.45%
Other education destinations 1% 8.43% 11.14%
Pupils in apprenticeships 0% 3.05% 3.4%
Pupils staying in employment 0% 2.52% 2.75%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.5 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 72.1 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 95% 5 35.16% 29.22%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 98% 2 51% 42.62%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 90% 29.4% 24.73%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 79% 9 13.96% 11.33%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 86% 2 18.8% 16.01%
EBacc average points score 6.97 3.33 2.84

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 99% 89.57% 84.87%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 94 149 140
Pupils staying in education - 78.81% 73.88%
Further education college or other further education provider 3% 31.19% 28.31%
School sixth forms 94% 43.57% 31.6%
Sixth form colleges - 0% 9.08%
Other education destinations - 7.9% 5.87%
Pupils in apprenticeships 0% 2.95% 2.96%
Pupils staying in employment - 2.05% 2.05%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.52 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 69.7 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 100% 36.2% 29.55%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 100% 53.92% 43.07%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 90% 26.72% 25.25%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 88% 17.04% 14.71%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 88% 18.12% 16.26%
EBacc average points score - - -

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 100% 87.52% 85.29%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 96 150 145
Pupils staying in education 100% 68.67% 58.19%
Further education college or other further education provider 7% 29.52% 30.58%
School sixth forms 93% 44.52% 32.22%
Sixth form colleges 0% 0% 8.95%
Other education destinations 0% 6.81% 5.7%
Pupils in apprenticeships 0% 4.67% 4.78%
Pupils staying in employment 0% 2.76% 2.45%
A level exam result

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 39.06 26.26 30.01
Average grade B - -
Average points (Best 3) 39.1 23.16 29.57
Average Grade (Best 3) B - -
AAB or higher 22.60% 7.17% 13.67%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 78 157 201
Students staying in education 72% 60.78% 58.58%
Students entering apprenticeships 4% 6.11% 6.08%
Students entering employment 16% 18.17% 21.16%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 9% 12.06% 9.05%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 41.93 30.7 33.41
Average grade B+ - -
Average points (Best 3) 41.86 27.01 32.47
Average Grade (Best 3) B+ - -
AAB or higher 36.5% 11.34% 17.7%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 67 192 248
Students staying in education 85% 64.72% 60.67%
Students entering apprenticeships 1% 5.78% 5%
Students entering employment 9% 11.78% 17.73%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 3% 12.56% 10.69%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 36.53 1 24.34 29.39
Average grade B- - -
Average points (Best 3) 35.87 24.85 28.64
Average Grade (Best 3) B- - -
AAB or higher 20.9% 7.81% 13.07%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 86 170 232
Students staying in education 85% 63.17% 57.31%
Students entering apprenticeships 2% 10.22% 7.77%
Students entering employment 3% 12.17% 20.99%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 2% 9.11% 8.8%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 35.46 4 24.15 29.03
Average grade B- - -
Average points (Best 3) 35.23 23.53 28.82
Average Grade (Best 3) B- - -
AAB or higher 21.5% 6.29% 13.37%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students - 2 3
Students staying in education - 15.26% 31.5%
Students entering apprenticeships - 6.95% 5.54%
Students entering employment - 10.79% 15.81%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study - 5.21% 4.22%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 31.42 25.94 26.73
Average grade C - -
Average points (Best 3) 35.4 26.03 27.73
Average Grade (Best 3) B- - -
AAB or higher 17.9% 7.29% 12.64%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students - 0 3
Students staying in education 4 19.26% 36.26%
Students entering apprenticeships - 6.79% 6.37%
Students entering employment 5% 14.05% 20.03%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 4% 4.05% 4.23%
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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2024/25

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 28th Oct 2024 - 1st Nov 2024
Winter Holidays 23rd Dec 2024 - 3rd Jan 2025
Spring Half Term Holidays 17th Feb 2025 - 21st Feb 2025
Spring Holidays 14th Apr 2025 - 25th Apr 2025
Summer Half Term Holidays 26th May 2025 - 30th May 2025
Summer Holidays 22nd Jul 2025 - 29th Aug 2025

Terms Dates 2024/25

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 2nd Sep 2024 - 27th Oct 2024
Autumn Term-2 2nd Nov 2024 - 22nd Dec 2024
Spring Term 4th Jan 2025 - 16th Feb 2025
Spring Term-2 22nd Feb 2025 - 13th Apr 2025
Summer Term 26th Apr 2025 - 25th May 2025
Summer Term-2 31st May 2025 - 21st Jul 2025
Students Teachers
17 : 1
Student teacher ratio at Queen Mary's High School
Local authority ratio 19 : 1



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