Oakham School is a prestigious co-educational boarding school located in Oakham, East Midlands. With a rich history dating back to 1902, the school offers a Middle Deemed Secondary education for stude...
Read moreUppingham School is a prestigious Church of England secondary boarding school located in Uppingham, East Midlands. With a history dating back to 1949, it offers a co-ed education for students aged 13-...
Read moreWilds Lodge School is an outstanding all-through boarding school located in Empingham, East Midlands. With a strong emphasis on social, emotional, and mental health, the school provides a caring and i...
Read moreThe Shires is a secondary school located in Stretton, East Midlands. With a commitment to maximising learning and personal development, the school has consistently good teaching and outstanding progre...
Read moreOakham has 1 boarding school that serve 973 students for the school year 2023/24.
There is 1 private school that offer boarding in Oakham.
Average fee is £6,845.00.