State School

North Leamington School - Ofsted Report, Parent Reviews (2025)

North Leamington School
North Leamington School
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About Us

North Leamington School is a Secondary, Co-Ed school located in Warwickshire, West Midlands.

It has 1485 students from age 11-18 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 16 : 1.

At this school, 61% of pupils achieved grade 5 or more at GCSE.

90.90% of pupils completing their main study programme.

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From the North Leamington School
According to the Education Act of 2002, schools are required to set up plans to protect and advance children's wellbeing.
Parents and carers should be aware that all school personnel are required by law (Children Act 1989) to report any information that raises questions about a child's welfare, including the possibility of neglect or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.
In general, staff members will try to talk through any issues with the parent or carer and, if feasible, get their permission before referring a child to Children's Social Care if that is thought to be necessary.
Parents and guardians will value the fact that the school's designated safeguarding lead upholds the law and operates in the best interests of all children.
Introduction to North Leamington School: General Information NLS and the principles we uphold The 11–18 mixed comprehensive North Leamington School (NLS for short), which had about 1300 students enrolled, including 300 in the sixth form, moved to new, "state-of-the-art" facilities in September 2009, with a capacity for 1500 students and an anticipated admission number of 240.
At NLS, we have created a thriving culture, and we take great pride in being an international school.
We firmly believe that every child matters equally, and we are fully devoted to giving all of our young people the tools they need to enjoy learning, succeed at NLS, and develop into future good citizens of the world.
We have a strong enthusiasm for education and consider the school as an opportunity to change people's lives.
Everybody Is Important We are a non-selective, inclusive community school for students ages 11 to 18.
Our status as an international school and an eco-school is crucial to us in how we approach respect in general.
As stated in our Central Aim, we desire to use all of our professional expertise to help all of our students develop into future, virtuous global citizens.
Important details: Vertical tutoring Is Incorporated Into The "College" System The school's 11–16-year-old students are divided into 5 "Colleges," each of which has an assistant head teacher as the College Leader, a team of learning managers who collaborate across the colleges, and a College Administrator (0.5 Admin/Clerical Support).
The students at each college are divided into 8 Vertical Tutor (VT) Groups, each of which is led by a Learning Mentor who is responsible for monitoring the students' academic, social, and personal growth as well as directing a structured 25-minute VT Programme each afternoon.
Year 11 has a slightly altered schedule that includes more extensive topics, leadership and social/emotional support programmes, and targeted interventions.
In the new school, this approach was used in September 2009 to promote social cohesiveness and efficient tracking, and it has been a resounding success.
16–19 year old students are still grouped together but are connected to colleges for support.
The North Leamington Community and "Community Schooling" The very real social diversity of North Leamington and the school's 'priority area' ensures that NLS is as near as you will ever get to a truly comprehensive intake, not least because there is no Grammar School selection in this area of Warwickshire.
We are happy to be a comprehensive school, and the new facility has made it possible for us to work more actively and authentically with the neighbourhood in a variety of ways.
The Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) collaborates closely with our student support team to plan community support and frequently visits our school.
At NLS, we value diversity and inclusion. This is paramount amongst the school's values, since 'all of human life' features strongly amongst our students, and we are very proud of this.
Our Individual Educational Needs (IEN) Department, which manages personalization for SEND and High Ability children, is very effective.
'Restorative Approaches' and Relationships for Learning at NLS The school's Engagement for Learning Policy and Procedures reflect 'Restorative Approaches', based on '4 Rs' (Respect, Responsibility, Reparation, Re-Integration).
We have worked very hard at this as a whole staff to embed this practice so that we have a much more proactive approach to sustaining good relationships by the whole school community.
Primary Links and Progression Links We pride ourselves on the effectiveness of both our primary links and our further and higher education partnerships.
We work closely with the 8 Primary Schools in our 'priority area' and this has contributed greatly to the rapid rise in our First Preferences.
We are a strategic partner with the Phoenix Alliance in Coventry, which provides a number of opportunities to further the professional development offer for our staff but also for our staff to contribute to the delivery of high quality CPD across schools.
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Phase of Education Secondary Secondary Secondary
Type Academies Academies Academies
Snobe grade
Ofset report - Good Good
Age range 11-18 11-18 11-18
Gender Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed
Student teacher ratio 16.6 - 17.8
Proficient Math - - -
Proficient Read - - -
Grade 5 or above GCSE 61% 98% 41%
Grade 5 or above A Level 21.60% 35.00% 13.30%
Day Fees - - -
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North Leamington School Reviews
4 (1 review)
Very good school, all lessons well completed with extra ciricular for everyone. Beautiful campus and wonderful teacher motivation and canteen (be the food overpriced). Highly recommended such a wonderful school
Secondary Exam Result

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.65 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 57.1 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 61% 32.25% 30.03%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 80% 44.56% 43.07%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 30% 23.08% 25.06%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 19% 12.28% 10.91%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 26% 16.25% 15.51%
EBacc average points score 4.80 2.95 2.83

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 97% 92.58% 90.53%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 234 137 144
Pupils staying in education 91% 86.51% 84.16%
Further education college or other further education provider 41% 29.09% 32.73%
School sixth forms 47% 38.37% 29.8%
Sixth form colleges 0% 5.16% 10.22%
Other education destinations 3% 13.91% 11.43%
Pupils in apprenticeships 3% 2.67% 2.8%
Pupils staying in employment 3% 3.44% 3.59%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.28 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 55 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 63% 36.51% 32.85%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 81% 48.56% 45.33%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 36% 24.78% 24.94%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 27% 15.76% 13.02%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 30% 19.83% 17.19%
EBacc average points score 4.78 3.16 2.97

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 96% 93.93% 90.4%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 238 141 141
Pupils staying in education 92% 89.9% 86.29%
Further education college or other further education provider 25% 32% 34.03%
School sixth forms 66% 40.88% 30.82%
Sixth form colleges 0% 4.75% 10.38%
Other education destinations 1% 12.3% 11.08%
Pupils in apprenticeships 3% 2.03% 1.99%
Pupils staying in employment 1% 1.88% 2.13%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.46 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 51.7 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 53% 4 36.41% 29.3%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 74% 1 51.27% 43.41%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 36% 30.69% 25.8%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 24% 9 16.61% 11.47%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 30% 12 22.43% 16.49%
EBacc average points score 4.41 3.38 2.88

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 97% 93.6% 90.2%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 214 127 135
Pupils staying in education 90% 87.09% 84.08%
Further education college or other further education provider 37% 27.83% 33.25%
School sixth forms 51% 40.83% 31.27%
Sixth form colleges SP 5.43% 8.45%
Other education destinations 1% 12.94% 11.14%
Pupils in apprenticeships 5% 3.8% 3.4%
Pupils staying in employment 2% 2.89% 2.75%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.31 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 50.5 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 49% 37.74% 29.22%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 73% 52.35% 42.62%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 22% 29.02% 24.73%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 15% 16.98% 11.33%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 18% 22.17% 16.01%
EBacc average points score 4.21 3.49 2.84

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 90% 95.27% 84.87%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 211 142 140
Pupils staying in education 86% 82.17% 73.88%
Further education college or other further education provider 26% 28.23% 28.31%
School sixth forms 60% 46.1% 31.6%
Sixth form colleges - 4.67% 9.08%
Other education destinations - 2.87% 5.87%
Pupils in apprenticeships 3% 2.93% 2.96%
Pupils staying in employment 1% 2.63% 2.05%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

A level exam result

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 40.19 31.11 30.01
Average grade B - -
Average points (Best 3) 39.28 31.64 29.57
Average Grade (Best 3) B - -
AAB or higher 21.60% 14.66% 13.67%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 115 205 201
Students staying in education 66% 57.7% 58.58%
Students entering apprenticeships 6% 5.89% 6.08%
Students entering employment 22% 23.15% 21.16%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 3% 6.63% 9.05%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 42.78 34.11 33.41
Average grade B+ - -
Average points (Best 3) 42.74 31.21 32.47
Average Grade (Best 3) B+ - -
AAB or higher 15.9% 19.04% 17.7%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 123 252 248
Students staying in education 56% 63.41% 60.67%
Students entering apprenticeships 4% 4.48% 5%
Students entering employment 25% 19.96% 17.73%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 11% 8.74% 10.69%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 38.24 1 30.93 29.39
Average grade B- - -
Average points (Best 3) 34.92 30.02 28.64
Average Grade (Best 3) C+ - -
AAB or higher 14.8% 13.43% 13.07%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 113 242 232
Students staying in education 59% 56.86% 57.31%
Students entering apprenticeships 1% 7.95% 7.77%
Students entering employment 31% 24.14% 20.99%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 3% 7.48% 8.8%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 37.59 31.64 29.03
Average grade B- - -
Average points (Best 3) 34.97 31.2 28.82
Average Grade (Best 3) C+ - -
AAB or higher 14.2% 15.41% 13.37%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students - 1 3
Students staying in education 11 37.33% 31.5%
Students entering apprenticeships 5% 6.19% 5.54%
Students entering employment 14% 17.95% 15.81%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 5% 3.9% 4.22%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2024/25

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 28th Oct 2024 - 1st Nov 2024
Winter Holidays 23rd Dec 2024 - 3rd Jan 2025
Spring Half Term Holidays 17th Feb 2025 - 21st Feb 2025
Spring Holidays 14th Apr 2025 - 25th Apr 2025
Summer Half Term Holidays 26th May 2025 - 30th May 2025
Summer Holidays 22nd Jul 2025 - 29th Aug 2025

Terms Dates 2024/25

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 2nd Sep 2024 - 27th Oct 2024
Autumn Term-2 2nd Nov 2024 - 22nd Dec 2024
Spring Term 4th Jan 2025 - 16th Feb 2025
Spring Term-2 22nd Feb 2025 - 13th Apr 2025
Summer Term 26th Apr 2025 - 25th May 2025
Summer Term-2 31st May 2025 - 21st Jul 2025
Students Teachers
16 : 1
Student teacher ratio at North Leamington School
Local authority ratio 20 : 1



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