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Ley Top Primary School | Ofsted Ratings, Reviews, Exam Results & Admission 2026

Ley Top Primary School
Ley Top Primary School
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The quality of education Requires Improvement
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Requires Improvement
Early years provision Requires Improvement
Previous inspection grade Good
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Foundational Skills: Strong routines in phonics start in early years, phonics programme embedded in all lessons.
Success of the Curriculum: Building a broad and balanced curriculum, but developments are at an early stage.
Areas Needing Improvement: Important knowledge not yet identified in most subjects; activities and resources not well-matched to learning goals.
Behaviour and Attitudes: New behaviour policy has positively impacted behaviour; rules and rewards consistently applied.
Performance in Maths & Reading: Staff have had training in teaching mathematics and reading well.
Support for Falling Behind: Support given to pupils not keeping up with phonics; needs improvement for some pupils who rely too much on adult support.
Support for SEND Pupils: Support plans used well in lessons, but curriculum limitations affect achievements.
Managing Bullying and Pupil Safety: Pupils feel safe; relationships are positive, adults support emotional needs.
Promotion of Welfare and Safety: Workshops from local police on safety; physical and mental health prioritized.
Parent Feedback: Parent feedback collected via Ofsted Parent View and playground conversations.
Extracurricular Activities: Variety of clubs including football and sewing available.
Teacher Engagement: Teachers and subject leaders need more training to effectively teach the curriculum.
Impact on Student Progress: Limitations in curriculum impact student progress.
Teaching Staff Challenges: Teachers lack necessary subject knowledge in non-core subjects such as history and science.
Assessment of Teaching Quality: Inconsistent; need for training so that teachers can better select resources and activities.
Historical Ofsted reports
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About Us

Ley Top Primary School is a Primary, Co-Ed school located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

It has 404 students from age 3-11 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 21 : 1.

At this school, 38% of pupils achieved higher standard in reading, writing & maths at key stage 2.

This school rated Requires Improvement by recent Ofsted inspection.

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Phase of Education Primary Primary Primary
Type Local Authority Maintained Schools Local Authority Maintained Schools Local Authority Maintained Schools
Snobe grade
Ofset report Requires Improvement Good Good
Age range 3-11 3-11 2-11
Gender Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed
Student teacher ratio 21.8 - 20.3
Proficient Math 101 111 100
Proficient Read 104 107 101
Grade 5 or above GCSE - - -
Grade 5 or above A Level - - -
Day Fees - - -
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Ley Top Primary School Ratings & Reviews
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Primary Exam Result

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 101 100 97
Reading 104 101 98

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 38% 56.64% 55.96%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 0% 5.95% 7.42%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 0 -
Writing -4.6 Well Below Average
Maths -1.9 Below Average

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 107 5 97 96
Reading 106 3 96 95

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 84% 27 59.75% 60.44%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 21% 19 8.4% 9.72%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 1.3 Above Average
Writing 2.9 Above Average
Maths 1.9 Above Average

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 102 3 95 94
Reading 103 3 95 95

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 57% 14 56.47% 59.51%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 2% 7 7.48% 9.16%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 0.2 Average
Writing 0.1 Average
Maths 0.4 Average

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 105 93 93
Reading 106 92 93

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 71% 54.41% 56.29%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 9% 7.4% 8.19%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 2.8 Above Average
Writing 3.4 Above Average
Maths 1.4 Above Average
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Students Teachers
21 : 1
Student teacher ratio at Ley Top Primary School
Local authority ratio 20 : 1



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