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#8 in Best Secondary Schools in Hinckley and Bosworth

Bosworth Academy - Ofsted Report, Parent Reviews (2025)

Bosworth Academy
Bosworth Academy
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The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Sixth-form provision Good
Previous inspection grade Outstanding
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Academic Progress: Strong focus on developing character and critical thinking skills.
Behaviour and Attitudes: Pupils know how they should behave and demonstrate this in lessons.
Qualifications and Training: Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to deliver the curriculum effectively.
Current Educational Practices: Teachers get clear information about how to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.
Strengths and Challenges: Most teachers explain new content clearly, but some inconsistencies exist.
Opportunities for Involvement: There are plenty of opportunities for pupils to contribute to school life and develop their leadership skills.
Parent Satisfaction: Most parents agree that the school deals with bullying issues well.
Communication: Parents can give feedback via Ofsted Parent View.
Handling Conflicts and Concerns: There are positive and mutually respectful relationships between staff and pupils.
Actions for Quality Improvement: School should ensure that all teachers systematically check pupils’ understanding.
Managing Bullying and Safety: Pupils feel safe in school and are well supported. Bullying is rare.
Promoting Welfare and Safety: School is calm and orderly, promoting pupil welfare effectively.
Extracurricular Offerings: Pupils enjoy being sporty or creative by taking part in productions, playing sports, and live lounge sessions.
Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars: Students in the sixth form benefit from high quality support and guidance.
Career Counselling Services: Students benefit from high quality support and guidance.
Preparation for Sixth Form: Students are well prepared for their next steps, including education or employment.
Managing and Supporting SEND: There is an ambitious and well-planned curriculum in place for all pupils, including those with SEND.
Subjects Offered: The English Baccalaureate is at the heart of the school’s curriculum; most pupils continue to study a modern foreign language.
Historical Ofsted reports
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About Us

Bosworth Academy is a Secondary, Co-Ed school located in Leicestershire, East Midlands.

It has 1613 students from age 11-19 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 18 : 1.

At this school, 51% of pupils achieved grade 5 or more at GCSE.

93.30% of pupils completing their main study programme.

This school rated Good by recent Ofsted inspection.

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From the Bosworth Academy
When it comes to providing results for young people in our community, Bosworth Academy consistently outperforms the competition.
The impact of Bosworth Academy on social mobility is unstoppable. Be better than you imagined you could be means that we recognise that it is our responsibility to assist pupils realise their full potential.
Our mission is to ensure that "no pupil underachieves."
Our goal for students at Bosworth is to produce great citizens with a strong sense of identity and values, not merely outstanding academic accomplishment.
The promotion of values in schools has always been crucial, and Bosworth Academy has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to fostering chances for pupils to grow in their beliefs.
The core principles we aim to instil in each and every one of our pupils are summed up in our achievers ethos.
Through lessons, tutoring time, assemblies, extracurricular activities, guests to the school, and out-of-school visits, students at the Academy enjoy a wide range of chances to explore and develop these principles.
In addition to their other duties, schools are now expected to promote the "Fundamental British Values," which are democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, respect for one another, and tolerance of people of different religions and views, according to Ofsted.
Democracy The opinions of the students are important when it comes to Bosworth Academy life.
For instance, a class decision about how to develop a particular ability in a subject is utilised to guide the teacher's planning.
Additionally, during the year, interviews and questionnaires with students are undertaken.
The law is supreme Throughout their entire lives, our students will come into contact with rules and laws.
Whether these laws apply to the class, the school, the neighbourhood, or the country, we want our students to understand that they were established for good reasons and must be followed.
Through assemblies and our curriculum, we will continuously reinforce this knowledge of the value of following the rules.
Our students' participation in the development of school regulations aids in their comprehension of the rationale behind the regulations as well as the repercussions if they are broken.
To help kids understand how important laws are for their own security, we give them the chance to debate and discuss them.
For our students, we think that concise explanations and examples from real life help to emphasise the value of the rule of law.
Personal Liberty We spend a lot of time fostering a positive culture at our school so that kids may learn in a secure setting where having choices and exercising freedoms are valued.
We have a variety of clubs, and students are able to select one based on their interests.
At the Bosworth Academy, we think that encouraging choice and freedom in the classroom will help the students cherish individual liberty when they enter adulthood.
We spend a lot of time fostering a positive culture at our school so that kids may learn in a secure setting where having choices and exercising freedoms are valued.
Learning tasks in lessons are frequently left up to the child's discretion.
Mutual Regard Our school culture is centred on respect for one another.
Students are taught to show the utmost respect to the faculty and staff.
Tolerance for people of all faiths and beliefs The Academy offers a culturally rich and diversified curriculum that respects and studies all major religions.
At the Academy, we are adamant that understanding and knowledge lead to greater tolerance.
Through our curriculum and the routines of our daily school life, we strive to demonstrate tolerance and help children to become knowledgeable and understanding citizens who can build a better Britain for the future.
A comprehensive Assembly programme provides opportunities for students to reflect on a key question each week.
Opportunities within the Assembly to think and reflect on 'big questions' such as 'How can you make a difference?' and 'How can we be a lights?'.
Discussion of the key question from the Assembly during form time.
Assemblies focusing on key religious festivals such as Diwali, Christmas, Easter and Eid members of faith communities within the school have been involved in delivering these assemblies either through videos or face to face interviews as part of the assemblies.
A group of Year 12 students will be attending a Conference to look at how we can live together more harmoniously which will include feedback to the secretary of State for Education.
A group of Year 12/13 students visited Auschwitz in January and then a small group led Assemblies for Holocaust memorial week.
RS lessons provide key opportunity for students to reflect and think about the 'big questions' in life.
There are opportunities in the lessons to interview representatives of different faiths.
Assemblies provide students with opportunities to reflect on key moral issues such as: 'How can we help others?'
The Year group PSHE programme provides students with the opportunity to reflect on a wide variety of moral issues such as relationships, how to deal with domestic violence etc.
All tutor groups have taken part in the 'Adopt a Charity scheme over the year they have learnt about the charity and run their own fundraising activities.
We have a close link with Open Hands (A local charity in Leicester City who support needy and vulnerable people) this link means we do the regular Christmas collection, the Open Hands Tour of Leicestershire (a 76 Mile cycle ride to raise money) begins and finishes at Bosworth and a large team of staff and students entered last year and it will take place again on 10th September.
Open Hands Student Ambassadors are crucial in promoting this work.
The Richard 111 Rose sculpture which was created last year raised the profile of Missing People in Leicestershire with students and staff.
The 'skype' link with a Polar Scientist provided students with the opportunity reflect on different aspects of Climate Change.
The Academy subscription to 'The I Newspaper' provides students with the opportunity to find out about moral and social issues within the news.
Year 8 students will be visiting Beth Shalom Holocaust Memorial Centre in Nottingham to reflect on the issues that the Holocaust raises.
The Student leadership scheme provides students with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills.
Over 250 students have been involved in Open Evenings and Open days over the last year as student ambassadors and guides.
Many visitors to the Open Evenings and Open Days make special comment on the high quality of the student ambassadors and how they are such strong advocates of the Academy.
All students take part in a team building day as part of the transition programme.
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Phase of Education Secondary Secondary Secondary
Type Academies Academies Academies
Snobe grade
Ofset report Good Good Good
Age range 11-19 11-18 11-16
Gender Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed
Student teacher ratio 18 - 16.7
Proficient Math - - -
Proficient Read - - -
Grade 5 or above GCSE 51% 98% 58%
Grade 5 or above A Level 17.90% 35.00% -
Day Fees - - -
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Bosworth Academy Ratings & Reviews
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Secondary Exam Result

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.20 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 48.8 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 51% 27.81% 29.96%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 74% 40.24% 42.99%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 87% 20.58% 25%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 18% 8.76% 10.88%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 34% 12.41% 15.47%
EBacc average points score 4.61 2.46 2.82

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 96% 94.53% 90.52%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 256 151 144
Pupils staying in education 84% 86.95% 84.15%
Further education college or other further education provider 37% 36.56% 32.75%
School sixth forms 36% 26.81% 29.73%
Sixth form colleges 9% 10.42% 10.22%
Other education destinations 2% 13.09% 11.48%
Pupils in apprenticeships 7% 4.07% 2.8%
Pupils staying in employment 6% 3.65% 3.59%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score -0.01 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 48.3 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 46% 29.86% 32.78%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 76% 42.62% 45.26%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 80% 22.01% 24.88%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 22% 11.38% 12.99%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 37% 14.96% 17.14%
EBacc average points score 4.5 2.65 2.97

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 96% 95.12% 90.39%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 241 146 140
Pupils staying in education 90% 90.2% 86.27%
Further education college or other further education provider 39% 39.24% 34.03%
School sixth forms 42% 27.59% 30.75%
Sixth form colleges 6% 9.22% 10.38%
Other education destinations 2% 14.12% 11.13%
Pupils in apprenticeships 3% 2.32% 1.99%
Pupils staying in employment 2% 2.32% 2.15%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score -0.13 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 47.2 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 44% 13 30.33% 29.24%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 68% 13 45.41% 43.34%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 62% 23.98% 25.76%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 16% 2 10.51% 11.44%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 25% 8 15.69% 16.45%
EBacc average points score 4.25 2.77 2.88

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 94% 95.56% 90.21%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 117 145 135
Pupils staying in education 86% 87.47% 84.08%
Further education college or other further education provider 26% 34.65% 33.3%
School sixth forms 53% 29.29% 31.15%
Sixth form colleges 6% 6.35% 8.45%
Other education destinations 1% 17.29% 11.19%
Pupils in apprenticeships 3% 5% 3.4%
Pupils staying in employment 4% 3.06% 2.76%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.14 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 50.5 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 57% 25.89% 29.18%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 81% 4 39.36% 42.58%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 23% 19.05% 24.69%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 14% 8.64% 11.29%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 17% 2 12.34% 15.97%
EBacc average points score 4.25 2.43 2.84

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 96% 91.81% 84.86%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 146 168 140
Pupils staying in education 86% 80.92% 73.88%
Further education college or other further education provider 16% 28.85% 28.32%
School sixth forms 62% 30.23% 31.51%
Sixth form colleges 8% 5.08% 9.07%
Other education destinations - 17.81% 5.94%
Pupils in apprenticeships 6% 3.23% 2.96%
Pupils staying in employment 4% 2.08% 2.06%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.37 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 51 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 57% 28.57% 29.51%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 77% 41.7% 43.04%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 20% 20.02% 25.21%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 14% 10.96% 14.68%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 15% 12.04% 16.23%
EBacc average points score - - -

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 95% 92.18% 85.23%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 460 200 144
Pupils staying in education 90% 85.05% 58.15%
Further education college or other further education provider 30% 33.95% 30.56%
School sixth forms 53% 27.59% 32.11%
Sixth form colleges 6% 3.68% 8.95%
Other education destinations 1% 22.64% 5.75%
Pupils in apprenticeships 10% 5.73% 4.78%
Pupils staying in employment 5% 2.68% 2.46%
A level exam result

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 35.33 31.66 29.99
Average grade B- - -
Average points (Best 3) 35.47 31.84 29.55
Average Grade (Best 3) B- - -
AAB or higher 17.90% 15.27% 13.64%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 184 244 201
Students staying in education 65% 60.5% 58.59%
Students entering apprenticeships 5% 7.63% 6.08%
Students entering employment 22% 20.94% 21.14%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 4% 7.31% 9.05%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 39.15 35.6 33.4
Average grade B - -
Average points (Best 3) 38.72 35.67 32.48
Average Grade (Best 3) B - -
AAB or higher 21.3% 19.11% 17.69%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 170 299 248
Students staying in education 74% 62.93% 60.66%
Students entering apprenticeships 5% 6.29% 5%
Students entering employment 13% 17.43% 17.72%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 4% 8.79% 10.7%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 35.05 2 29.87 29.38
Average grade B- - -
Average points (Best 3) 36.51 2 30.67 28.64
Average Grade (Best 3) B- - -
AAB or higher 23.1% 15.53% 13.04%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 227 270 231
Students staying in education 53% 55% 57.28%
Students entering apprenticeships 8% 9% 7.78%
Students entering employment 26% 23.85% 20.99%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 6% 7.62% 8.8%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 33.34 3 28.13 29.02
Average grade C+ - -
Average points (Best 3) 34.12 2 28.7 28.82
Average Grade (Best 3) C+ - -
AAB or higher 18.1% 14.68% 13.34%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 9 6 3
Students staying in education 28 49.55% 31.48%
Students entering apprenticeships 9% 5.73% 5.54%
Students entering employment 16% 19.18% 15.8%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 6% 3% 4.22%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 30.05 27.54 26.73
Average grade C - -
Average points (Best 3) 32.18 29.64 27.74
Average Grade (Best 3) C+ - -
AAB or higher 13.2% 16.32% 12.63%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 4 2 3
Students staying in education 36 56.73% 36.22%
Students entering apprenticeships 13% 7.27% 6.37%
Students entering employment 23% 22.73% 20.04%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 6% 3.73% 4.23%
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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2024/25

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 21st Oct 2024 - 25th Oct 2024
Winter Holidays 23rd Dec 2024 - 3rd Jan 2025
Spring Half Term Holidays 17th Feb 2025 - 21st Feb 2025
Spring Holidays 14th Apr 2025 - 25th Apr 2025
Summer Half Term Holidays 26th May 2025 - 30th May 2025
Summer Holidays 9th Jul 2025 - 24th Aug 2025

Terms Dates 2024/25

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 27th Aug 2024 - 20th Oct 2024
Autumn Term-2 26th Oct 2024 - 22nd Dec 2024
Spring Term 4th Jan 2025 - 16th Feb 2025
Spring Term-2 22nd Feb 2025 - 13th Apr 2025
Summer Term 26th Apr 2025 - 25th May 2025
Summer Term-2 31st May 2025 - 8th Jul 2025
Students Teachers
18 : 1
Student teacher ratio at Bosworth Academy
Local authority ratio 19 : 1



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