Angel Oak Academy is an outstanding primary school located in Southwark, London. With a student-to-teacher ratio of 15:1 and a diverse learning community, the school focuses on the personal, intellect...
Read morePhoenix Primary School is an outstanding primary school located in Southwark, London. With exceptional leadership and a focus on improving teaching and learning, the school provides an excellent start...
Read moreJohn Ruskin Primary School and Language Classes is a highly regarded co-educational school located in Camberwell, London. With a student-teacher ratio of 16:1, the school provides a nurturing and incl...
Read moreThe experience was amazing and since I live 2 minutes away it is very easy for me to get there so I give a 5 star rating
Read more reviewsGalleywall Primary School is an outstanding school located in Southwark, London. With inspirational leadership, high-quality teaching, and a unique curriculum, the school provides a nurturing and empo...
Read moreThe Cathedral School of St Saviour and St Mary Overy is an outstanding primary school in Southwark, London. With a strong sense of community, exceptional behaviour, and high academic standards, this C...
Read moreWhat to do for newly pregnant daughter? 2. 1 Allow her to vent. She might be stressed, anxious or just overly emotional. ... 2 Let her know you're thinking of her. Send a quick text or email to a...
Read more reviewsHarris Academy Bermondsey is an outstanding secondary school in Southwark, London. With a student teacher ratio of 11:1, the school provides a supportive and focused learning environment for girls age...
Read moreIlderton Primary School is an outstanding school in Southwark, London. With a culture of inclusion and high expectations, the school is dedicated to removing barriers to achievement for all students. ...
Read moreBoutcher Church of England Primary School is an outstanding school located in Bermondsey, London. With a nurturing and safe community, the school offers an ambitious curriculum that promotes lifelong ...
Read moreSt Joseph's Catholic Primary School is an outstanding primary school located in Southwark, London. With a strong Catholic ethos, the school provides a nurturing and inclusive environment for children ...
Read moreCrampton Primary School is an outstanding school with highly skilled teachers and exceptional progress made by students in reading, writing, and math. Our warm and welcoming environment promotes posit...
Read moreSacred Heart Catholic School is an outstanding secondary school located in Southwark, London. With a student-teacher ratio of 12:1, the school provides a supportive and engaging environment for studen...
Read moreKingsdale Foundation School is an outstanding secondary school in London, known for its exceptional academic results and focus on student well-being. With a student-teacher ratio of 13:1, the school p...
Read moreHarris Girls' Academy East Dulwich is an outstanding secondary school for girls aged 11-18. With a student-teacher ratio of 13:1 and a dedicated team of staff, the school provides exceptional educatio...
Read moreHarris Boys' Academy East Dulwich is an outstanding secondary school in London. With a student-teacher ratio of 14:1, the school provides a nurturing environment for boys aged 11-18. The school has re...
Read moreThe Charter School North Dulwich is an outstanding secondary school located in Southwark, London. With a strong focus on academic excellence and a diverse curriculum, students at this co-ed school thr...
Read moreHarris Primary Academy East Dulwich is an outstanding co-ed primary school in Southwark, London. With a student-teacher ratio of 22:1 and a strong commitment to excellence, our school provides high-qu...
Read moreBeormund Primary School is a SEMH special needs setting located in Southwark, London. With a dedicated staff and high standards, our goal is to rekindle a love of learning in underprivileged children....
Read moreDulwich Hamlet Junior School is a co-educational primary school located in Dulwich Village, London. With a student teacher ratio of 19:1, our dedicated staff ensures personalized attention for each st...
Read moreSouthwark has 34 ofsted outstanding schools that serve 13,130 students for the school year 2024/25.
There are 15 primary schools judged as outstanding by ofsted.
Here's the list:
There are 9 secondary schools judged as outstanding by ofsted.
Here's the list: