Repton School is a prestigious co-educational secondary boarding school located in Repton, East Midlands. With a history dating back to 1908, it provides a nurturing Christian environment where studen...
Read moreForemarke Hall is a Christian co-educational boarding school in Milton, East Midlands. With a history dating back to 1908, the school provides a nurturing environment where students aged 2-14 years re...
Read moreEmmanuel School is a Christian primary school located in Derby. With a small and nurturing environment, it provides a supportive and inclusive education for children aged 3-11. The school offers sibli...
Read moreOneSchool Global UK Nottingham Campus is a co-educational school with a strong focus on providing a supportive and inclusive environment for students aged 7-18. Led by Mr Ben Thompson, the school has ...
Read moreQueen Elizabeth's Grammar School is a co-educational secondary school in Ashbourne, East Midlands. With a strong focus on academic achievement and a student-teacher ratio of 16:1, the school provides ...
Read moreWatchorn Christian School is a small and nurturing primary school located in Alfreton. With a Christian ethos, our dedicated staff provide a high quality education for children aged 3-11. Our good Ofs...
Read moreSt Peter and St Paul School is a well-established primary school located in Chesterfield, East Midlands. With a history dating back to 1957, the school offers a co-educational learning environment for...
Read moreCharlesworth Voluntary Controlled Primary School is a co-ed Christian school located in Charlesworth, East Midlands. With a student-teacher ratio of 19:1, the school offers a supportive and safe envir...
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