Shipley College - Ofsted Report, Parent Reviews (2025)

Shipley College
Shipley College
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The quality of education Requires Improvement
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Requires Improvement
Education programmes for young people Requires Improvement
Adult learning programmes Good
Apprenticeships Good
Provision for learners with high needs Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Career Advice and Guidance: Learners and apprentices receive effective careers information, advice and guidance about their potential next steps.
Policies and Procedures: Learners feel safe at the college and are provided with useful information on how to keep themselves safe from online risks.
Handling Bullying/Disciplinary Issues: Learners know how to report any concerns and are confident that staff will deal with any issues promptly.
Types of Extracurricular Activities: Leaders and managers provide learners with a range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests.
Work Experience/Internships: Too many learners do not participate in work experience as part of their programme.
Academic Performance: Most learners and apprentices achieve their qualifications.
Support for Pupils Falling Behind: Learners with additional learning needs progress at least in line with their peers.
Behaviour and Attitudes: Learners benefit from a positive culture in the college. They are respectful towards each other, teachers, and visitors.
Impact of Teaching on Progress: Most teachers plan the content of programmes well and use a range of teaching techniques.
Assessment of Teaching Quality: In most cases, teachers provide helpful feedback to help learners improve their work.
Updating Resources: Leaders and managers encourage staff well-being and provide appropriate time to plan sessions and carry out non-teaching activities.
School Culture and Ethos: Learners benefit from a positive culture and welcoming environments in the college’s classrooms.
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About Us

Shipley College is a 16 Plus (Sixth Form), Co-Ed college located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

from age 16-99 yr.

This school rated Requires Improvement by recent Ofsted inspection.

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Phase of Education 16 Plus (Sixth Form) 16 Plus (Sixth Form)
Type Colleges Colleges
Snobe grade
Ofset report Requires Improvement Good
Age range 16-99 16-99
Gender Co-Ed Co-Ed
Student teacher ratio - -
Proficient Math - -
Proficient Read - -
Grade 5 or above GCSE - -
Grade 5 or above A Level - 0.00%
Day Fees - -
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Shipley College Reviews
5 (2 reviews)
Lovely college really good courses really good and helpful tutors and the Jonathan Silver building is the best one. My daughter went to this college and she loved it!
This college is a fantastic college the teachers are so lovely and you will have a lovely time! Shipley College is the best college ever!
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