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Dixons Music Primary | Ofsted Ratings, Reviews, Exam Results & Admission 2026

Dixons Music Primary
Dixons Music Primary
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Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Early years provision Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for pupils Outstanding
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Foundational Skills: The teaching of reading is highly effective with additional help for struggling pupils.
Success of the Curriculum: The curriculum offers a rich diet of music and arts and includes extensive visits and activities.
Areas Needing Improvement: Ensure that the assessment system matches the curriculum as both evolve.
Performance in Maths & Reading: Pupils make outstanding progress with above-average attainment overall.
Support for Falling Behind: Intensive interventions help pupils who are falling behind to catch up.
Behaviour and Attitudes: Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary and they work hard, believing in high aspirations.
Support for SEND Pupils: Disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND make rapid progress equal to their classmates.
Managing Bullying and Pupil Safety: Pupils say there is no bullying and feel very safe in school.
Promotion of Welfare and Safety: The school promotes independence and self-esteem through various activities.
Parent Feedback: Parents have provided positive responses via questionnaires.
Parental Involvement: Workshops and 'stay and play' sessions help parents understand their children’s learning.
Extracurricular Activities: A wide range of sporting and musical activities are offered to pupils.
Outdoor Facilities: Improvements in the outdoor provision have been well designed, especially for early years.
Teacher Engagement: Teachers and teaching assistants work closely together with shared planning sessions.
Impact on Student Progress: High-quality teaching leads to exceptional student progress.
Assessment of Teaching Quality: Marking policy is followed consistently, ensuring no misconceptions persist.
Historical Ofsted reports
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About Us

Dixons Music Primary is a Primary, Co-Ed school located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

It has 415 students from age 4-11 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 22 : 1.

At this school, 59% of pupils achieved higher standard in reading, writing & maths at key stage 2.

This school rated Outstanding by recent Ofsted inspection.

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From the Dixons Music Primary
At Music Primary, we have many minds but one mission: to get students to and through university so that they thrive in a top job and have a great life. We keep going. Never do we give up. We put up the necessary effort for as long it takes. We are eager to try new things and tenacious learners. We are eager to study and conduct ourselves well so that others may also enjoy their education. We also focus on three key drivers: Mastery, which is the drive to get better at things that matter; Autonomy, or the drive to direct our own lives; and Purpose, which is the drive to connect to a cause larger than ourselves (Dan Pink, Drive). Every day, we make sure to express our vision, beliefs, and driving principles clearly so that everyone in the school community understands why we are doing what we are doing. We understand why we behave in certain ways at school, wear our uniforms in certain ways, and pay attention to the speaker throughout every session. All students put in a lot of effort every day to climb the mountain to university via rigour, simplicity, and a constant focus on success.
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Phase of Education Primary Primary Primary
Type Free Schools Free Schools Free Schools
Snobe grade
Ofset report Outstanding Good -
Age range 4-11 4-11 4-11
Gender Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed
Student teacher ratio 22.6 24.9 -
Proficient Math 105 107 -
Proficient Read 104 104 -
Grade 5 or above GCSE - - -
Grade 5 or above A Level - - -
Day Fees - - -
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Dixons Music Primary Ratings & Reviews
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Primary Exam Result

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 105 100 97
Reading 104 101 98

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 59% 56.64% 55.96%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 7% 5.95% 7.42%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading -3.8 Well Below Average
Writing -4.1 Well Below Average
Maths -2.5 Below Average

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 106 97 96
Reading 105 96 95

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 80% 59.75% 60.44%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 10% 8.4% 9.72%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading -1.7 Below Average
Writing 0.0 Average
Maths -0.7 Below Average

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths - 95 94
Reading - 95 95

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard - 56.47% 59.51%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard - 7.48% 9.16%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading -
Writing -
Maths -

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths - 93 93
Reading - 92 93

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard - 54.41% 56.29%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard - 7.4% 8.19%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading -
Writing -
Maths -
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Students Teachers
22 : 1
Student teacher ratio at Dixons Music Primary
Local authority ratio 20 : 1



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