State School

Bronte Girls' Academy

Bronte Girls' Academy
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Outstanding
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Academic Progress: Pupils develop detailed knowledge of the curriculum, preparing them well for next steps.
Behaviour and Attitudes: Pupils' behaviour is exemplary; they are welcoming and confident.
Qualifications and Training: Highly effective training results in consistently implemented systems.
Current Educational Practices: Staff report leaders are sensitive to workload and well-being.
Strengths and Challenges: Teachers skilfully teach lessons that enable pupils to develop strong knowledge.
Opportunities for Involvement: Leaders work alongside families to overcome attendance barriers.
Communication: The school works effectively with external agencies to support well-being.
Parent Satisfaction: Parents can give feedback via Ofsted Parent View.
Handling Conflicts and Concerns: The highly effective training that staff receive supports pupils well.
Actions for Quality Improvement: Leaders have thoughtfully planned the school's development.
Managing Bullying and Safety: Safeguarding arrangements are effective.
Promoting Welfare and Safety: Strong pastoral systems support pupils’ well-being effectively.
Outdoor Facilities: Facilities for hands-on projects like design and technology are well-utilized.
Extracurricular Offerings: Some pupils benefit from enriching experiences like the 'scholars project'.
Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars: Some pupils do not access an equally rich set of experiences.
Career Counselling Services: The careers programme provides clear information about next steps.
Preparation for Sixth Form: Plans to embed career links into subjects are being developed.
Managing and Supporting SEND: Effective systems identify and support pupils with SEND.
Subjects Offered: Curriculum includes subjects like mathematics, science, English, and design and technology.
Historical Ofsted reports
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Bronte Girls' Academy is a Secondary, Girls school located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

It has 694 students from age 11-16 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 18 : 1.

This school rated Good by recent Ofsted inspection.

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Bronte Girls' Academy
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Phase of Education Secondary Secondary Secondary
Type Free Schools Free Schools Free Schools
Snobe grade
Ofset report Good Outstanding Good
Age range 11-16 11-16 11-16
Gender Girls Co-Ed Co-Ed
Student teacher ratio 18.2 17.1 17.6
Proficient Math - - -
Proficient Read - - -
Grade 5 or above GCSE - 58% 55%
Grade 5 or above A Level - - -
Day Fees - - -
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Students Teachers
18 : 1
Student teacher ratio at Bronte Girls' Academy
Local authority ratio 20 : 1



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