State School
#4 in Best Secondary Schools in Brent

Ark Academy - Ofsted Report, Parent Reviews (2025)

Ark Academy
Ark Academy
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The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Early years provision Outstanding
Previous inspection grade Outstanding
Sixth-form provision Outstanding
Quick insights from ofsted Powered by AI

This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Academic Progress: Pupils achieve exceptionally well and are inspired to be successful.
Behaviour and Attitudes: Pupils know what is expected of them and lessons are calm and studious.
Support for Pupils Falling Behind: Staff pinpoint gaps in pupils’ knowledge and focus teaching to fill these gaps.
Teacher Engagement: Teachers are experts in their subjects and make sure that pupils remember key knowledge with fluency.
Impact of Teaching on Student Progress: Teachers use their expertise to ensure pupils increase their understanding in logical, manageable steps.
Strengths or Challenges with Teaching Staff: Excellent professional relationships between pupils and staff underpin the calm environment around the school.
Opportunities for Parent Involvement: Parents can give their opinion on Ofsted Parent View and get involved through the Parent Council.
Communication with Parents: The school communicates via newsletters, parents' evenings, and regular updates.
Parent Satisfaction: Parents generally express satisfaction with the school's environment and leadership.
Handling Conflicts and Concerns: Leaders have effective procedures in place to deal with conflicts including safeguarding issues.
Actions to Enhance Education Quality: Leaders provide a broad range of subjects and ensure excellent support for all pupils.
Managing Bullying and Ensuring Safety: Bullying rarely happens, but if it does, teachers deal with it effectively.
Behaviour and Attitudes of Pupils: Lessons are calm and studious, and pupils manage their own behaviour well.
Promoting Pupils' Welfare and Safety: Pupils know who to speak to if they have concerns and trust staff to respond appropriately.
Extracurricular Activities & Clubs: Sixth-form students lead year-group briefings, and are encouraged to volunteer around the school.
Balancing Academics with Extracurriculars: Pupils receive impartial advice about life beyond school, ensuring a balance between academics and extracurricular activities.
Career Counselling Services: A comprehensive careers programme means that pupils receive impartial advice about life beyond school.
Preparation for Next Key Stage: Leaders ensure pupils are equipped with knowledge and skills needed to be successful in the future.
Support for SEND: Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities access the full curriculum and receive excellent support.
Subjects Offered: Leaders provide a broad range of subjects for pupils to study.
Historical Ofsted reports
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About Us

Ark Academy is a All-through, Co-Ed school located in Greater London, London.

It has 1642 students from age 3-18 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 15 : 1.

At this school, 61% of pupils achieved grade 5 or more at GCSE.

95.20% of pupils completing their main study programme.

This school rated Outstanding by recent Ofsted inspection.

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Ark Academy
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From the Ark Academy
It is wonderful to finally extend a formal welcome to our class of 2019–21 at Ark Academy Sixth Form. We are delighted that you have chosen us to complete the final stage of your secondary education and we promise that we will do all in our power to get you to your choice of university, degree program, apprenticeship route or job of your choice. We believe that our exceptional outcomes speak for themselves and should reassure you that you have chosen the greatest location for success. On Wednesday, September 4th, Year 12 students will formally begin classes. You must arrive between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m. and report to the sixth form building, where your director of sixth form, head of year, and form tutors will greet you. You will be based at Ark Academy on Wednesday, April 4, and you should dress professionally. This basically implies that you should wear a blazer and be well-groomed so that you may leave school and go to a professional job interview without having to change. There is further information attached. Please remember to bring a bag, a notepad, and a pencil case. Additionally, until your biometrics are configured and the Sixth Form Cafe is fully operational, you should bring a packed lunch or money to purchase meals off-site during lunch. Last but not least, on Wednesday you must submit any remaining paperwork (passport, proof of results, etc.) and your $40 enrollment fee.
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Compare with similar schools
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Ark Academy
Brent HA9 9JR
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Phase of Education All-through All-through All-through
Type Academies Academies Academies
Snobe grade
Ofset report Outstanding - -
Age range 3-18 4-19 3-19
Gender Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed
Student teacher ratio 15.3 15.9 7.3
Proficient Math 107 106 -
Proficient Read 106 105 -
Grade 5 or above GCSE 61% 44% -
Grade 5 or above A Level 15.50% 3.90% -
Day Fees - - -
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Ark Academy Reviews
1.3 (15 reviews)
The school is known for academic excellence and all their students are well mannered and disciplined. I recommend the school for other students.
Had a few complaints but my son still attends this school happily. I personally don’t recommend it as teachers tend to pick on my son and lie in front of our faces but there are a few good teachers like Mr collins. Heard about how he stands with the rules but hes also very friendly and kind. Defo deserved to be added to this review!
Ive felt very depressed and ive developed severe anxiety due to the teachers that run this school. I always feel anxious when i walk inside and i get bullied. There are also many fights and there was a fight outside the school once and someones nose was bleeding and someone got smashed with a bottle. Its very traumatising. This is gore.
Bad and do not give a crap about other peoples learning and effects me a little more but I’m just gonna go with that because I’m a big believer that we should have the right people in our country and not be TAMIM YR9
that and I will that’s a and when I came in they ran away from the ma dem h ska maths. If man for dat
So my son was telling me the food is so bad and he never eaten nothing all day and you guys always put him in is
They are all bad and I regret bringing my child here and all the teachers are bad they do not make your chill feel like they have room to improve but instead make them feel dumb
JUST TERRIBLE. Dont send your child here bullying, fights, everything is just madness my son told me a teacher slapped a child honestly
Please don’t send ur child here a teacher named mr castellno didnt allow my son to use toelit and he wet him self and teacher stood there proudly with a smile and all teachers are bad some aren’t please don’t come Un less u want a hard time
Completely terrible my child has been excluded multiple times over small things and I don’t understand there policy when my child gets excluded for little things
this is torture there are only 5 good teachers and the rest dont care about learning only behaviour. apply for ark elvin or preston manor instead
Teachers lie a lot and they lie about students to each other every time in order to get you in trouble and they are very strict and the teachers dont care about your learning they only care about sanctions. I dont remember the last time a lesson was fun or I actually benefited from it. We learn useless stuff and teachers are fairer to girls and Older kids than boys please dont send your kids...
theres only 3 good teachers the rest are bad and they are people who were hired by someone with no brain please dont send your kids here they will be tortured and the tuna mayo has no mayo
miss smith does not let children go to the toilet and also teacher dont stop fight when it happens my child has been suffer from beat5ing up and has been builed
The school is unsafe bullying is a major problem and we don’t see each other as equal. Racism is also a major problem in the school
Primary Exam Result

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 107 100 97
Reading 106 101 98

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 82% 60.95% 55.92%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 14% 9.23% 7.4%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 2 Above Average
Writing 2.9 Above Average
Maths 4 Above Average

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic 2020, 2021 and 2022 Primary school exam
results were not published at school level.

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 107 2 100 96
Reading 106 3 99 95

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 77% 10 64.74% 60.39%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 8% 2 10.19% 9.69%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 0.1 Average
Writing -1.1 Below Average
Maths 1.1 Above Average

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 109 97 94
Reading 109 1 96 95

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 87% 8 57.93% 59.48%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 6% 3 8.19% 9.14%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 2.5 Above Average
Writing -1.7 Below Average
Maths 3.3 Above Average

View the average scaled scores of pupils in the key stage 2 reading and math tests. Scores of 100 or more indicate the expected standard, while 110 or more indicate a higher standard.

Average scaled score School LA England
Maths 109 99 93
Reading 108 97 93

Explore how well our pupils are doing academically. Discover the percentage of pupils who reach the expected level (with a score of 100 or more) and those who excel even further (achieving a score of 110 or more).

Reading, writing and maths School LA England
Pupils meeting the expected standard 79% 57.35% 56.27%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard 9% 7.02% 8.17%

Explore how much progress pupils have made in reading, writing, and math from key stage 1 to key stage 2.

Subject Progress score Description
Reading 0.2 Average
Writing -3.5 Below Average
Maths 1.7 Above Average
Secondary Exam Result

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.59 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 54.5 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 61% 45.28% 29.96%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 82% 57.28% 42.99%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 79% 53.04% 25%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 37% 22.56% 10.88%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 54% 29.2% 15.47%
EBacc average points score 5.17 3.79 2.82

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 96% 96.35% 90.52%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 162 186 144
Pupils staying in education 95% 94.71% 84.15%
Further education college or other further education provider 19% 20.59% 32.75%
School sixth forms 71% 54.71% 29.73%
Sixth form colleges 4% 7.59% 10.22%
Other education destinations 1% 11.71% 11.48%
Pupils in apprenticeships 1% 0.59% 2.8%
Pupils staying in employment 1% 1.24% 3.59%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.55 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 57 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 67% 49.48% 32.78%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 82% 59.96% 45.26%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 80% 49.92% 24.88%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 45% 26.84% 12.99%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 59% 34.12% 17.14%
EBacc average points score 5.39 4.01 2.97

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 99% 95.82% 90.39%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 177 181 140
Pupils staying in education 98% 95.06% 86.27%
Further education college or other further education provider 24% 19.76% 34.03%
School sixth forms 64% 55.35% 30.75%
Sixth form colleges 9% 8.59% 10.38%
Other education destinations 1% 11.41% 11.13%
Pupils in apprenticeships 0% 0.24% 1.99%
Pupils staying in employment 1% 0.47% 2.15%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 Secondary school exam
results were not published at school level.

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.06 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 50.7 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 49% 45.64% 29.24%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 74% 1 60.55% 43.34%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 44% 50.95% 25.76%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 22% 7 23.32% 11.44%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 32% 12 32.95% 16.45%
EBacc average points score 4.52 4.03 2.88

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 96% 94.6% 90.21%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 162 192 135
Pupils staying in education 94% 93.4% 84.08%
Further education college or other further education provider 30% 25.73% 33.3%
School sixth forms 59% 52.67% 31.15%
Sixth form colleges 4% 7.73% 8.45%
Other education destinations 1% 7.27% 11.19%
Pupils in apprenticeships 0% 0.33% 3.4%
Pupils staying in employment 2% 0.67% 2.76%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.37 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 50.1 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 49% 7 42.86% 29.18%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 75% 2 56.64% 42.58%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 62% 52.32% 24.69%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 29% 6 24.91% 11.29%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 44% 6 33.36% 15.97%
EBacc average points score 4.59 3.77 2.84

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 94% 94% 84.86%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 178 201 140
Pupils staying in education 91% 92.67% 73.88%
Further education college or other further education provider 37% 25.27% 28.32%
School sixth forms 45% 52.53% 31.51%
Sixth form colleges - 1.87% 9.07%
Other education destinations - 5.87% 5.94%
Pupils in apprenticeships - 0.07% 2.96%
Pupils staying in employment - 0.2% 2.06%

Discover school's performance with the Attainment 8 and Progress 8 scores. Attainment 8 reflects pupil achievement in 8 qualifications, while Progress 8 measures their progress from key stage 2 to 4, compared to peers across England.

School scores School Description
Progress 8 score 0.33 This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made across 8 qualifications between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.
Attainment 8 score 49.6 Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.

Explore the percentage of pupils who attained grade 5 or higher & grade 4 or higher in their English and math GCSEs. This metric reflects their proficiency in these fundamental subjects.

GCSE Results School LA England
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 56% 44.86% 29.51%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 73% 57.62% 43.04%

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) ensures your child's well-rounded education. It includes essential subjects like English, math, sciences, languages, and humanities.

EBacc Results School LA England
Entering EBacc 54% 47.14% 25.21%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above 35% 30.1% 14.68%
Achieving the EBacc at grade 4 or above 38% 32.33% 16.23%
EBacc average points score - - -

Find out where our Key Stage 4 graduates are going next. Explore their different paths after finishing school – whether it's sixth form, starting work, or other adventures as they move forward.

Pupil destinations School LA England
Pupils staying in education or employment 91% 94% 85.23%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures 161 199 144
Pupils staying in education - 24.27% 58.15%
Further education college or other further education provider 27% 23.27% 30.56%
School sixth forms 57% 54.47% 32.11%
Sixth form colleges - 3.13% 8.95%
Other education destinations - 5.93% 5.75%
Pupils in apprenticeships 2% 0.6% 4.78%
Pupils staying in employment - 0.33% 2.46%
A level exam result

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 35.15 29.3 29.99
Average grade B- - -
Average points (Best 3) 34.51 29.53 29.55
Average Grade (Best 3) C+ - -
AAB or higher 15.50% 16.09% 13.64%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 140 105 201
Students staying in education 86% 74.2% 58.59%
Students entering apprenticeships 1% 1.93% 6.08%
Students entering employment 7% 9.2% 21.14%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 3% 7.93% 9.05%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 42.23 32.65 33.4
Average grade B+ - -
Average points (Best 3) 41.75 29.96 32.48
Average Grade (Best 3) B+ - -
AAB or higher 28.9% 19.75% 17.69%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 111 115 248
Students staying in education 79% 72.79% 60.66%
Students entering apprenticeships 1% 1.5% 5%
Students entering employment 11% 5.14% 17.72%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 7% 7.79% 10.7%

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

Exam Result Not Published

Due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 A level school exam
results were not published at school level.

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 35.90 1 27.46 29.38
Average grade B- - -
Average points (Best 3) 37.73 1 27.66 28.64
Average Grade (Best 3) B- - -
AAB or higher 18.1% 10.86% 13.04%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students 73 108 231
Students staying in education 90% 74.86% 57.28%
Students entering apprenticeships 0% 2.29% 7.78%
Students entering employment 1% 8.86% 20.99%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 4% 6.79% 8.8%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 34.22 26.58 29.02
Average grade C+ - -
Average points (Best 3) 36.33 3 28.52 28.82
Average Grade (Best 3) B- - -
AAB or higher 13.8% 10.48% 13.34%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students - 5 3
Students staying in education - 5.38% 31.48%
Students entering apprenticeships - 2.62% 5.54%
Students entering employment - 5.38% 15.8%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study - 2.85% 4.22%

Explore their results and progress scores, showing how they've grown and achieved during this important stage of their education.

A level Result School LA England
Average points 34.38 26.44 26.73
Average grade C+ - -
Average points (Best 3) 33.84 29.03 27.74
Average Grade (Best 3) C+ - -
AAB or higher 15.3% 12.97% 12.63%

Discover where pupils headed after A-levels. Explore who either stayed in education or went into employment.

Students destinations School LA England
Number of students - 2 3
Students staying in education - 10.46% 36.22%
Students entering apprenticeships - 1.23% 6.37%
Students entering employment - 10.77% 20.04%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study - 3.62% 4.23%
Schools like Ark Academy
Best Schools 2025
Ark Academy Rankings

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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2024/25

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 21st Oct 2024 - 25th Oct 2024
Winter Holidays 23rd Dec 2024 - 3rd Jan 2025
Spring Half Term Holidays 17th Feb 2025 - 21st Feb 2025
Spring Holidays 7th Apr 2025 - 21st Apr 2025
Summer Half Term Holidays 26th May 2025 - 30th May 2025
Summer Holidays 28th Jul 2025 - 29th Aug 2025

Terms Dates 2024/25

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 2nd Sep 2024 - 20th Oct 2024
Autumn Term-2 26th Oct 2024 - 22nd Dec 2024
Spring Term 4th Jan 2025 - 16th Feb 2025
Spring Term-2 22nd Feb 2025 - 6th Apr 2025
Summer Term 22nd Apr 2025 - 25th May 2025
Summer Term-2 31st May 2025 - 27th Jul 2025
Students Teachers
15 : 1
Student teacher ratio at Ark Academy
Local authority ratio 18 : 1



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