John Port Spencer Academy is a co-educational secondary school located in Etwall, East Midlands. With a student-teacher ratio of 18:1 and a dedicated team of over 100 full-time teachers, our school pr...
Read moreLongdon Park School is a co-educational middle deemed secondary school located in Hilton, East Midlands. With a small student population of 57, the school focuses on providing quality education to stu...
Read moreHigh Grange School is an all-through co-educational school located in Burnaston, East Midlands. Led by Mr Gavin Spicer, the school provides a carefully planned curriculum that promotes respect, kindne...
Read moreRepton School is a prestigious co-educational secondary boarding school located in Repton, East Midlands. With a history dating back to 1908, it provides a nurturing Christian environment where studen...
Read moreBladon House School is an all-through co-ed boarding school located in Newton Solney, East Midlands. Founded in 1971, the school provides a nurturing environment for students aged 5-19 with speech, la...
Read moreWilliam Allitt Academy is a co-educational secondary school located in South Derbyshire. Founded in 2022, it offers a comprehensive education for students aged 11-16. With a dedicated and experienced ...
Read moreThe Pingle Academy is a secondary school located in South Derbyshire, East Midlands. With a student teacher ratio of 16:1, the school provides a supportive and inclusive environment for students aged ...
Read moreGranville Academy is a co-educational secondary school located in Woodville, South Derbyshire. With a student-teacher ratio of 16:1, the school provides a supportive learning environment. We prioritiz...
Read morePegasus School is a co-educational boarding school located on Main Street in Cauldwell, East Midlands. Founded in 2000, the school offers a middle deemed secondary education for students aged 8-19 yea...
Read moreJohn Port Spencer Academy is ranked as best secondary school in Etwall.