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Find All Schools in Thetford, Breckland - 11 Schools

Facts About Thetford, Breckland Schools

Top 5 Nurseries

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Top 5 Primary Schools

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3 Secondary Schools

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1 Private Schools

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Students in Thetford, Breckland

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Teachers in Thetford, Breckland

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, 1 school is free in Thetford, Breckland. 61.4% of pupils are known to be eligible for free school meals out of 3,462 pupils.

Total 0.03% of schools are currently judged to be good or outstanding by Ofsted in Thetford, Breckland. List of ofsted outstanding & good schools:

The Thetford Academy is Largest school in Thetford, Breckland with 1,258 pupils.