Stamford Endowed Schools is a prestigious Christian co-educational boarding school in Stamford, East Midlands. With a history spanning over four decades, the school offers a supportive learning enviro...
Read moreStamford Junior School is a Christian co-ed primary school located in Stamford, East Midlands. With a history dating back to 2000, the school offers a nurturing environment for children aged 2-11. It ...
Read moreWitham Hall School is a co-educational boarding school located in Witham on the Hill, East Midlands. Established in 1960, the school offers a nurturing environment for children aged 4-13 years. With a...
Read moreBoston College is a highly regarded 16 Plus (Sixth Form) school in Boston, East Midlands. With a strong focus on academic excellence, the school offers a wide range of study programmes and apprentices...
Read moreSmall friendly prep school, excellent sport provision and facilities including swimming. Very good teaching staff who help all children achieve a high standard whatever their abilities.Excellent extra...
Read more reviewsLincoln Minster School is a Christian co-ed boarding school in Lincoln, East Midlands. With a history dating back to 1951, the school offers all-through education for students aged 4-18. The school pr...
Read moreSt Bernard's School in Louth is a caring and committed all-through school, providing a strong and relevant curriculum with a personalised approach to education. With a focus on personal development an...
Read moreThere are 3 private schools that offer boarding in South Kesteven.
Average fee is £3,709.67.