Chigwell School is a prestigious Church of England all-through co-ed boarding school in Chigwell, East of England. With a rich history spanning over 100 years, the school offers a comprehensive educat...
Read moreWells Park School is a co-ed boarding school located in Chigwell, East of England. Led by Principal Mr Matthew Surman, the school was founded in 2022, offering a nurturing and inclusive learning envir...
Read moreBrentwood School is an all-through Christian co-ed boarding school located in Brentwood, East of England. With a strong emphasis on academic excellence, the school offers a wide range of scholarships ...
Read moreMy son started in year 7 and is just about to complete upper sixth I am extremely please with the school and feel he has had a fantastic learning experience and made amazing friendships
Read more reviewsNew Hall School is a Catholic co-educational all-through boarding school located in Boreham, East of England. With a rich history dating back to 1947, the school provides a nurturing environment for s...
Read moreRamsden Hall Academy is a secondary boarding school for boys aged 10-16. With a student-teacher ratio of 4:1, the academy offers high-quality instruction and personalized educational programs to meet ...
Read moreGlenwood School is an outstanding all-through boarding school located in New Thundersley. With a student-teacher ratio of 7:1, it provides a high level of individual attention and support. The school ...
Read moreLexden Springs School is an all-through co-ed boarding school in Stanway, East of England. With a student-teacher ratio of 7:1 and a focus on inclusive education, the school offers a welcoming and act...
Read moreHolmwood House School is a prestigious co-educational boarding school, located in Colchester, East of England. With a rich history dating back to 1952, the school offers a nurturing environment for st...
Read moreColchester Royal Grammar School is a prestigious secondary school for boys aged 11-18 in Colchester, East of England. With a strong Christian ethos, the school offers a stimulating academic environmen...
Read moreLangham Oaks is a boys' secondary boarding school located in Langham, East of England. With a student-teacher ratio of 8:1, our school provides a supportive environment for students with Social, Emoti...
Read moreHarlow has 1 boarding school that serve 11 students for the school year 2024/25.