
The Outward Bound Trust - Ullswater Centre

The Outward Bound Trust - Ullswater Centre
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The Outward Bound Trust - Ullswater Centre is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

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The Outward Bound Trust - Ullswater Centre
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From the The Outward Bound Trust - Ullswater Centre
Our goal is to encourage young people to feel they are capable of more than they ever imagined.
We work in collaboration with youth organisations, corporations, colleges, and schools to impart the most crucial lesson someone could possibly learn: self-belief.
We never let a person's inability to pay prevent them from attending. More than 80% of participants obtain financial aid to attend courses. All young people should be given the tools they need to achieve for themselves, their communities, and society as a whole.
In our plan, we have established a fresh, distinct course of action for Outward Bound over the following two years: Outward ReBound 2022–2024.
We'd love to hear from you if you've participated in an Outward Bound course; the organisation was founded in 1941.
Every position at The Trust is essential to our success, and we are constantly seeking outstanding individuals to add to our team.
committing their expertise, time, and support to The Trust.
Businesses, people, trusts, and foundations provide us with essential financial assistance and funding for our work.
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