
Rubery Nursery School

Rubery Nursery School
1 schools in compare list
Previous inspection Good
Leadership and management Good
Achievement of pupils Good
Quality of teaching Good
Behaviour and safety of pupils Good
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Rubery Nursery School is a Nursery, Co-Ed Nursery located in West Midlands County, West Midlands.

This nursery accepts children from 2-4 years old.

Currently, the nursery has 119 students enrolled.

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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2023/24

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 30th Oct 2023 - 3rd Nov 2023
Winter Holidays 25th Dec 2023 - 5th Jan 2024
Spring Half Term Holidays 12th Feb 2024 - 16th Feb 2024
Spring Holidays 25th Mar 2024 - 5th Apr 2024
Summer Half Term Holidays 27th May 2024 - 31st May 2024
Summer Holidays 23rd Jul 2024 - 30th Aug 2024

Terms Dates 2023/24

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 4th Sep 2023 - 29th Oct 2023
Autumn Term-2 4th Nov 2023 - 24th Dec 2023
Spring Term 6th Jan 2024 - 11th Feb 2024
Spring Term-2 17th Feb 2024 - 24th Mar 2024
Summer Term 6th Apr 2024 - 26th May 2024
Summer Term-2 1st Jun 2024 - 22nd Jul 2024
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Students Teachers
41 : 1
Student teacher ratio at Rubery Nursery School
Local authority ratio 19 : 1



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