
Raising Explorers Bradford

Raising Explorers Bradford
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Raising Explorers Bradford is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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From the Raising Explorers Bradford
We continue to expand Bradford's out-of-school services, out-of-school learning, and out-of-school education by collaborating closely with schools and educational institutions.
by effectively combining religious and extracurricular instruction in a novel way.
Our warm, welcoming and nurturing team consists of dedicated and qualified teachers, childcare staff and support staff with many years of combined experience in caring for children as well as educating them to a very high standard.
Childcare rooms and services are available any day of the week for parents just to turn up at the door.
Each Saturday for Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 we have dedicated and experienced school teachers who are qualified to teach children in the subjects of Maths, English and Science.
Your child will learn in a classroom setting from us, just as they would during the week at school.
Children are offered the opportunity to learn a language by attending our Urdu School and Arabic School taught by qualified subject teachers.
Each language school has a developed curriculum that we follow.
This includes catering for those parents with children who have special needs.
We feel that just like every child has a right to in-school education, they also have an equal right to receive similar support and resources in a comfortable Out Of School setting that will complement their in school learning.
Raising Explorers introduces a new and fresh approach to Out Of School Learning, one in which we want no child to ever consider Out Of School Studies to be a chore but rather something they look forward to and enjoy.
We have defined clear and measurable expectations for academic achievement and character development.
Parents, children and teachers work together to achieve and reinforce the love of learning.
We want to develop in our students the love of learning and hence holistically prepare them to compete at the highest academic and social level.
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