
Kindercare (Hgte) Ltd

Kindercare (Hgte) Ltd
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Staff take care to provide a safe environment for children to play in.
Philosophy: Children learn through an effective balance of adult-led activities and child-initiated play.
Activities: Staff introduce topics that capture children's curiosity and support their learning.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Managers and staff have a clear intent of what they want children to learn. They plan the curriculum well to ensure that children progress.
Communication: There is successful two-way communication between parents and staff.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Parents are full of praise for the friendly and dedicated staff team.
Safeguarding Training: Staff access safeguarding training to keep their knowledge and understanding up to date.
Play and Learning Integration: Children develop well within this inclusive environment.
Child Safety Management: Staff take care to provide a safe environment for children to play in. They complete risk assessments and take action to remove hazards.
Children's Safety and Security: Children demonstrate that they feel safe.
Happiness and Settling: A well-established key-person system helps children to form secure attachments and positive relationships with staff and other children.
Nutritional Menu: Older children enjoy their fruit and say please and thank you when getting their drink from the staff.
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Kindercare (Hgte) Ltd is a Nursery, Nursery located in North Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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