
Kindercare (Hgte) Ltd

Kindercare (Hgte) Ltd
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding
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Diverse Books and Toys: Children are developing a love of books with a lending library available
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children benefit from regular opportunities to develop their physical skills in the secure outdoor areas
Activities: Activities are varied and interesting, such as nature detective hunts and problem-solving with building caves
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Staff introduce new vocabulary as children play and question to develop thinking skills
Communication: Parents welcome the information they receive about their children's care and learning
Programs and Resources: Additional support is put in place for children not making as much progress, involving parents and professionals
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Staff's skilful interactions make learning fun and meaningful; greeted warmly by staff
Safeguarding Training: Regular training supports staff's knowledge and understanding of any indicators of abuse
Child Safety Management: Regular risk assessments, both inside and outside; robust procedures to report and monitor accidents
Happiness and Settling: Children are treated with utmost kindness, care, and respect, promoting self-esteem
Nutritional Menu: Nursery meals are healthy and nutritious, but staff are inconsistent about promoting healthy eating
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Kindercare (Hgte) Ltd is a Nursery, Nursery located in North Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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