
Ivegill Nursery

Ivegill Nursery
1 schools in compare list
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Previous inspection Not Applicable
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
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Ivegill Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

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From the Ivegill Nursery
Ivegill Nursery, which was formerly known as Inglewood Nursery, debuted in September 1991 and is independently administered by a nonprofit trust. It is open throughout school terms and registered for kids between the ages of 2 and 5. Additionally, we hold a weekly music class for babies and toddlers who are accompanied. Although the Nursery is separate from the rest of the school, it is nevertheless very much a part of it. A classroom that is annexed to the main Ivegill School building serves as the nursery. We have a designated entrance, cloakroom, and safe outside space all to ourselves. With a wall of low level windows that provide open views and ample natural lighting, it is well suited for use as a nursery. The space is divided into learning zones where kids can independently access and organise resources. All year long, kids have access to the outside space. If the kids want to, we can spend a significant amount of time outside thanks to our safe outside space. We built our outdoor space to provide a rich learning environment because we are aware that certain kids feel more secure and at ease outside. Additionally, the kids like to converse with the school kids over the fence.
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