
Harlequin Montessori Nursery

Harlequin Montessori Nursery
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Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Harlequin Montessori Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Essex, East of England.

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From the Harlequin Montessori Nursery
One of the most influential early childhood educators of the 20th century, Dr. Maria Montessori created classroom techniques and concepts that have had a significant impact on how young children are educated throughout the world.
She became interested in education through her job as a doctor, treating patients who are now referred to as children with special needs. She was the first woman to graduate from the University of Rome medical school. She used the classroom as her laboratory for observing children and figuring out ways to help them realise their full potential when she later established schools for the underprivileged children of working parents in Rome.
It quickly became clear that Dr. Montessori had created a highly successful teaching strategy that could be employed with every kid. Up until her death in Holland in 1952 at the age of 82, she started to travel the world, founding schools, giving lectures on her discoveries, and authoring numerous articles. In terms of child-centered education, she was a true pioneer. Her creative teaching methods and concepts have had a significant impact on young children's education all around the world.
According to Montessori, kids learn best by doing, and contented, self-motivated students develop positive self-images of themselves as self-assured, accomplished individuals. She produced materials that were especially intended to encourage independence and a love of learning from a young age.
The holistic Montessori method seeks to develop the whole child. The strategy is founded on the idea that a kid has the greatest ability for learning between the ages of birth and six.
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