
Wyke Community and Children's Centre Limited

Wyke Community and Children's Centre Limited
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Diverse Books and Toys: learning library, includes a wide range of learning resources and books
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: outdoor opportunities to develop coordination, balance, gross motor skills
Philosophy: ambitious curriculum, shape children's learning experiences from the beginning
Activities: children immerse in activities led by adults and during independent play
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: excellent rates of progress in all-round development, build on their knowledge and skills over time
Communication: regular discussions with parents about their child’s progress
Community Building: hold regular coffee mornings and drop-in sessions
Programs and Resources: early intervention for children who require additional support
Staff Training: inclusive setting, staff collaborate with external professionals
Welcoming and Professional Staff: staff welcoming, affirming, and build nurturing relationships
Safeguarding Training: open and positive culture around safeguarding
Play and Learning Integration: children flourish and make excellent progress in their development
Transition to Primary School: well-prepared for their next stages of learning and move to school
Diversity Management: highly inclusive, working collaboratively with parents and external professionals
Child Safety Management: children show high levels of confidence and self-esteem
Children's Safety and Security: children feel safe and secure in the setting
Teaching Personal Safety: children learn how to keep themselves and others safe
Happiness and Settling: children thrive under the care of attentive leaders and staff
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Wyke Community and Children's Centre Limited is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

This nursery accepts children from 2-5 years old.

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Wyke Community and Children's Centre Limited
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From the Wyke Community and Children's Centre Limited
The Pre-School Room at The Children's Centre is a sizable, open area with plenty of natural light and a free-flowing outside area that can accommodate up to 26 kids per session.
The Early Years Foundation Stage is the cornerstone of all of our work in the Pre-School Room. The National Curriculum is presented here for young children (0–5). By keeping track of this, we can identify any delays in a child's development and tailor their experiences to suit their particular needs. We accomplish this in Nursery in a number of ways, one of which is through the extra Groups and activities we run.
The Wyke Community and Children's Centre is devoted to giving kids access to outdoor play opportunities all day long. In our opinion, outdoor play helps kids discover and formulate norms and understandings, build resilience, be physically active, be imaginative, practise new abilities, learn about dangers, engage their senses, and form relationships with others. Regular outdoor play also encourages high wellbeing and self-confidence while allowing kids to develop all of these ideas.
The Outdoor area in our Pre-School room has been thoughtfully designed to allow kids the chance to flourish in a dynamic, demanding, and engaging Outdoor environment. It provides a variety of activities and materials to spark kids' imaginations and help them develop independence by letting them direct their own play and follow their own interests.
The playground offers children the chance to play on a sizable hard surface area, a sizable grassy area (which includes steps and a slope), a large sandpit, the water play area, a nature tunnel, a sizable ground-level trampoline, a fire pit, underground tunnels, and multiple tree houses).
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