
Walton Under Fives Pre-School

Walton Under Fives Pre-School
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children thoroughly enjoy an Easter egg hunt outside with their parents
Activities: Children enjoy a range of exciting and stimulating activities that are adapted to suit their individual needs and interests
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children make excellent overall progress from their starting points
Communication: The highly effective communication systems ensure that parents are fully aware of their children's experiences
Community Building: Parents comment positively on the more in-depth and regular communication that they receive
Programs and Resources: Children with SEND make steady progress and any gaps in children's learning are identified swiftly
Staff Training: The special educational needs coordinator liaises very closely with external agencies and other professionals
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Relationships with parents and other professionals are exceptionally strong. Parents feel valued by the staff in supporting their children's learning
Safeguarding Training: The manager and staff have an excellent understanding of safeguarding procedures
Play and Learning Integration: Children show excitement and motivation to learn. Staff use strategies, such as ringing a bell for registration
Transition to Primary School: The manager and staff know exactly what they want children to achieve in preparation for their transition into school
Diversity Management: Staff are enhancing children's communication and are focusing on mouth movements to support speech sounds
Child Safety Management: Staff have conversations with children about the links between making healthy food choices and maintaining good dental hygiene
Children's Safety and Security: Children confidently talk about 'mighty mouse', which is a lockdown procedure introduced to children
Teaching Personal Safety: Manager places high emphasis on raising children's awareness of personal safety, such as during snack time
Happiness and Settling: Children thrive at this setting, showing exceptional levels of confidence and independence
Historical Ofsted reports
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Walton Under Fives Pre-School is a Nursery, Co-Ed Nursery located in Somerset, South West.

This nursery accepts children from 3-18 years old.

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Walton Under Fives Pre-School
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From the Walton Under Fives Pre-School
No matter their colour, creed, or gender, all children are appreciated at WU5 because we want to give them a safe and secure atmosphere.
We offer organised play as a completely inclusive environment where kids can have fun and progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage.
To assist their future development and facilitate a smooth transition to school, parents' and caregivers' involvement in their children's early years of schooling is strongly encouraged.
We teach kids to respect themselves and other others, and to have a good attitude.
Our mission is to "provide a joyful and safe environment where all children can learn through play."
We have a wonderful working relationship with Walton C. of E. Primary School, which is next door and where many of our students transfer after finishing at WU5's.
The Walton Under 5's Preschool is 200 metres from Walton C of E Primary School at the Walton Village Hall.
Click HERE for additional details.
Here at Walton Under 5's we use Tapestry to keep track of your child's progression.
Parents can log on using their personal information to view their child's progress in respect to the EYFS standards.
The preschool is run by volunteers.
You can actively support the pre-school and, in turn, your child's education by joining the committee.
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