
South Normanton Pre-School CIC

South Normanton Pre-School CIC
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The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
Quick insights from ofsted Powered by AI

This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children enjoy being physically active in the pre-school garden.
Activities: Staff play games with children that encourage them to share, such as when they kick balls.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Staff support children to understand words that describe quantity, for example when they play with water.
Communication: Parents comment that the pre-school is like a 'second home' for their children. They appreciate the information they receive from staff about their children's development.
Programs and Resources: Children with SEND have opportunities to access a sensory room, which provides them with a calm space to help them regulate their emotions.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: The manager supports staff with their interactions with children and their well-being.
Safeguarding Training: Staff trained in safeguarding training and know what they need to do to keep children safe.
Play and Learning Integration: Children are supported to understand and talk about feelings and emotions.
Transition to Primary School: The manager and staff share information with teachers about children's development, friendship groups and any additional needs they may have. This contributes to promoting children's care and learning when they move on to school.
Diversity Management: Staff help children to learn about being polite and using good manners.
Child Safety Management: There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
Happiness and Settling: Children recognise that a yellow monster is happy and, when asked, children confidently tell staff that their mummies and daddies make them happy.
Historical Ofsted reports
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South Normanton Pre-School CIC is a Nursery, Nursery located in Derbyshire, East Midlands.

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From the South Normanton Pre-School CIC
At South Normanton Nursery School, we are committed to a Bullying Free Environment by embedding our Five Finger Rights Respecting Rules and by having a shared vision and belief around every child has a right to be safe and to play and learn in line with the United Nation Convention on the Rights of a Child.
It is simple, we ensure that through training and support, our staff effectively prevent and stop the emergence of bullying behavior and foster the development of positive social interactions.
Understanding the variety of ways that young children may become involved in bullying in early childhood settings can help staff prevent and stop bullying.
Our staff know that early childhood settings are where many children first observe or experience early forms of bullying behavior.
If educators dont intervene to stop bullying, children learn that bullying is an acceptable way to behave and this is a non-negotiable here at South Normanton Nursery School - all staff model, observe, analyse and intervene where needed.
Our key to success lies in advance preparation to deal effectively with bullying before, during, and after it occurs.
understand what bullying is, it's different forms, what it looks like in early childhood, what it can turn into and that it is preventable.
recognise, identify and understand the types of roles in bullying in young children.
talk openly with the children about bullying tied in with stories, role play and other experiences children share.
teach and model for children the social skills needed to stop and prevent bullying - including empathy.
work together to embed our five finger rights respecting rules that help to prevent bullying - use our children's voices to amend and review our rules.
use every opportunity that may arise around bullying as a teachable moment.
work with parents to educate and support in the prevention of bullying.
use of signs and symbols to ensure that everyone has a voice regardless of their levels of communication.
Being able to label feelings is crucial to a child knowing what they feel like - happy or sad just does not cut it, as children cannot tailor every feeling to this - what about the angry feeling in you tummy (it could be hunger) or the wobbly feeling deep down (it could be worry).
We use the story 'The Colour Monster' as a foundation for talking about feelings - we use feeling labels everyday and we embed a culture of it is ok to feel...... We never stop a children from feeling ......., as we support them to recognise it, label it and talk about what we need to do next.
There is always resources from this story available in different parts of the Nursery to use to support children with their feelings and for children to use them independently to support each other or to just experience them.
Bullying can have a long-term effect on children and young people's educational, emotional and social development, which sometimes lasts into adult life.
Bullying is characterised by an imbalance and misuse of power between the perpetrator and the target.
Talk to your child about bullying - help them to develop the social skills needed to prevent being a bully, a victim or a bystander.
Ask for help if you need it - a member of staff is always available to talk.
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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2024/25

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 28th Oct 2024 - 1st Nov 2024
Winter Holidays 23rd Dec 2024 - 3rd Jan 2025
Spring Half Term Holidays 17th Feb 2025 - 21st Feb 2025
Spring Holidays 7th Apr 2025 - 21st Apr 2025
Summer Half Term Holidays 26th May 2025 - 30th May 2025
Summer Holidays 25th Jul 2025 - 3rd Sep 2025

Terms Dates 2024/25

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 4th Sep 2024 - 27th Oct 2024
Autumn Term-2 2nd Nov 2024 - 22nd Dec 2024
Spring Term 4th Jan 2025 - 16th Feb 2025
Spring Term-2 22nd Feb 2025 - 6th Apr 2025
Summer Term 22nd Apr 2025 - 25th May 2025
Summer Term-2 31st May 2025 - 24th Jul 2025
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