
Sedbergh Playgroup | Ofsted Reports, Reviews (2025)

Sedbergh Playgroup
Sedbergh Playgroup
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The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Lots of space to move around, both indoors and outside.
Activities: Children take part in yoga and meditation sessions.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Staff extend the mathematical skills of children with an interest in tractors.
Communication: Recent changes made to how they monitor children's development and communicate with parents has eased workload pressures.
Community Building: Parents offer support by helping with fundraising and offering their time and expertise.
Programs and Resources: Staff work closely with other professionals to ensure that children with specific needs are supported well.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: The small, dedicated staff team treats each child with respect.
Safeguarding Training: Staff have a sound understanding of safeguarding policy and practice.
Play and Learning Integration: Children benefit from many opportunities to learn about nature.
Transition to Primary School: Close collaboration with the local school and pre-school ensures smooth transitions.
Diversity Management: Children begin to understand differences and similarities, and how they are each unique.
Child Safety Management: Staff take extra care to ensure areas used by children are suitable.
Children's Safety and Security: Children show that they feel happy and safe as they play and learn.
Teaching Personal Safety: Children learn to manage risk by regularly exploring the woods and river nearby.
Happiness and Settling: Children thrive as a result of the tailored care they receive from staff.
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Sedbergh Playgroup is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

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