
Rosehill Day Nursery

Rosehill Day Nursery
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Staff ensure all children benefit from daily opportunities to access fresh air, physical activities and play outdoors
Activities: Outings include visits to the agricultural market and litter picking while on woodland walks
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Curriculum increases children's understanding of the world through amazing experiences
Communication: Staff work closely with parents to ensure that specialised menus meet children's dietary requirements
Community Building: They feel involved in their children's learning and staff go 'above and beyond'
Programs and Resources: Staff work in close partnership with parents and other professionals to identify where additional help is required
Staff Training: Staff ensure referrals are sought swiftly and transitions are smooth
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Leaders and staff continually strive for improvements and put children at the heart of everything they do
Safeguarding Training: Leaders and staff have excellent knowledge of child protection measures
Child Safety Management: Leaders have taken effective action to strengthen risk assessment procedures for children with allergies and dietary needs
Teaching Personal Safety: Children understand that knives and scissors are sharp and you have to be careful while using them
Happiness and Settling: Strong and secure attachments with staff help children to settle quickly and easily
Nutritional Menu: Specialised menus meet children's dietary requirements
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Rosehill Day Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

This nursery accepts children from 0-5 years old.

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Rosehill Day Nursery
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From the Rosehill Day Nursery
In order for children to develop into independent, self-assured learners who are respected and cherished, we offer a warm, loving, and safe atmosphere where each child's unique needs are met.
We value variety and embrace every child, understanding that every child's educational experience is distinct and individual.
The best possible care and education are provided to the kids, and everyone gets it regardless of their age, gender, aptitude, race, or religion.
Encourage kids to take an interest in, make friends with, and respect the people in their town and the rest of the world.
Making the nursery school a joyful place for everyone who attends will encourage motivation and a love of learning. It will also maintain a space for discovery and self-evaluation.
We collaborate with parents to help kids realise their full potential and start their educational careers in a positive and secure manner.
In addition to a full, unprocessed meal, carefully planned outside activities, and a clean, interior atmosphere thanks to our cutting-edge air filtration system, we offer a healthy approach to the children's care.
We wish to provide your child with the greatest possible start, a firm foundation on which to grow up positive and strong with wonderful memories.
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