
Poppys Day Nursery Ltd

Poppys Day Nursery Ltd
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Diverse Books and Toys: Younger children flourish through learning songs and rhymes and have an excellent choice of resources.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children access exciting learning opportunities in the superb outdoor area.
Activities: Children build towers in the builder's area or use their imagination in the mud kitchen.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children recently visited their local supermarket and made shopping lists focused on the sound of the week.
Communication: Managers go above and beyond to support families and communicate children's development.
Programs and Resources: Procedures for supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are outstanding.
Staff Training: Staff access ongoing training to reflect the needs of the children.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Parents spoke about the incredible, caring nature of all staff.
Safeguarding Training: Staff have an excellent knowledge of safeguarding, covering a wide range of issues.
Play and Learning Integration: For example, children build towers in the builder's area or use their imagination in the mud kitchen.
Transition to Primary School: Highly skilled staff involve children in planning and focus on their interests.
Diversity Management: Key persons have a secure and thorough understanding of children they work with.
Child Safety Management: Staff have an excellent knowledge of safeguarding.
Children's Safety and Security: Children recognise the importance of keeping themselves safe.
Happiness and Settling: Children are safe, extremely happy, and thrive at this nursery.
Nutritional Menu: During the day, the children made pizzas for their tea and choose their own toppings.
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Poppys Day Nursery Ltd is a Nursery, Nursery located in Kent, South East.

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From the Poppys Day Nursery Ltd
The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services, and Skills is known as "Ofsted." They oversee and inspect childcare facilities, educational institutions, and programmes that teach life skills to students of all ages. Call our Contact Center at 0300 123 1231 for information and guidance on Ofsted Online. inspecting many other educational organisations and programmes outside of higher education, including maintained schools and academies, some independent schools, and many others. releasing summaries of our findings so they might be applied to raise the general standard of instruction and training. regulating a variety of early years and children's social care services to ensure that they are appropriate for children and young people who may be at risk. put into action our strategic goal to keep raising standards and enhancing lives. Use our new education inspection procedures to make sure that quick inspections of quality higher education institutions and schools are reliable, efficient, and productive. Increase the number of excellent and top-notch industry professionals on inspection teams. concentrate inspection on subpar services or those whose performance has declined. In each of our inspection areas, find and encourage excellent leadership. Identify the problems in the sectors we inspect and report on them. To guarantee that their opinions are considered in inspections and that they use and value our inspection reports, we collaborate with parents and caregivers, students, and employers. working with influencers and policy makers to make sure they comprehend our study and are able to spread the word about it and our findings. working with those we inspect to make sure they regard our regulatory and inspection work as fair, genuine, and helpful to them in improving.
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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2023/24

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 23rd Oct 2023 - 27th Oct 2023
Winter Holidays 18th Dec 2023 - 1st Jan 2024
Spring Half Term Holidays 12th Feb 2024 - 16th Feb 2024
Spring Holidays 29th Mar 2024 - 12th Apr 2024
Summer Half Term Holidays 27th May 2024 - 31st May 2024
Summer Holidays 24th Jul 2024 - 30th Aug 2024

Terms Dates 2023/24

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 1st Sep 2023 - 22nd Oct 2023
Autumn Term-2 28th Oct 2023 - 17th Dec 2023
Spring Term 2nd Jan 2024 - 11th Feb 2024
Spring Term-2 17th Feb 2024 - 28th Mar 2024
Summer Term 13th Apr 2024 - 26th May 2024
Summer Term-2 1st Jun 2024 - 23rd Jul 2024
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