
Penny Bridge Nursery | Ofsted Reports, Fees, Reviews (2025)

Penny Bridge Nursery
Penny Bridge Nursery
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Previous inspection grade Outstanding
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
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Diverse Books and Toys: Staff use books that explore difficult issues very sensitively, helping children to relate and gain a better understanding.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: The learning environment is wonderfully stimulating, particularly outdoors. Staff create vibrant and innovative areas rich in exciting and engaging resources, such as the mud kitchen, science lab and minibeast hut. Children are entirely absorbed in their play and show extremely high levels of motivation to learn and take part.
Activities: Staff tackle various difficult issues affecting the children exceptionally well.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Staff teach with careful consideration, being especially mindful of children's existing and developing skills and how they are playing in the moment.
Communication: Parents are highly valued as their children's first educators. They complete initial assessments and are widely supported to continue learning at home.
Community Building: Parents are extremely complimentary about the setting, staff and the progress their children make.
Staff Training: Staff are trained in safeguarding and have a comprehensive understanding of their individual responsibilities in protecting children from harm.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Staff are calm, patient and reassuring, firmly establishing positive and secure key-person relationships with children.
Safeguarding Training: All staff are trained in safeguarding and have a comprehensive understanding of their individual responsibilities in protecting children from harm.
Play and Learning Integration: Staff know children extremely well and make highly effective use of this information to plan for their individual needs and interests. Staff seize opportunities for learning during child-led play.
Transition to Primary School: Children experience an entirely seamless transition to school. Truly exceptional partnership working with the school on-site creates a cohesive approach to supporting children in every element of their school readiness.
Child Safety Management: Staff work exceptionally well together. They are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities and deploy themselves highly effectively throughout the session, in all areas of the free-flow environment.
Children's Safety and Security: The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. All staff are trained in safeguarding and have a comprehensive understanding of their individual responsibilities in protecting children from harm.
Teaching Personal Safety: Staff use health-related topics to challenge children's understanding of how they keep themselves safe and healthy. Children are great risk assessors.
Happiness and Settling: Children thrive in this greatly nurturing environment where their emotional and physical well-being is at the heart of all practice.
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About Us

Penny Bridge Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

This nursery accepts children from 2-11 years old.

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From the Penny Bridge Nursery
We used to go by the name Greenodd Pre-school, and we were located in the little community of Penny Bridge, which is a suburb of Ulverston. For kids ages 2 to 11, Penny Bridge Nursery is now a privately owned, nonprofit nursery and after-school programme.
Our purpose-built facility provides children with an ideal early years experience and entertaining, engaging wraparound care.
All year long, we are open from 7.45 am to 6 pm. Ofsted is in charge of governing and registering us.
7:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. Holiday Club (all children welcome, out of term time).
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