
Muddy Boots Nursery (Cumbria) Ltd

Muddy Boots Nursery (Cumbria) Ltd
1 schools in compare list
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Highly stimulating, exciting and nurturing indoor and outdoor environment
Communication: Parents feel they are fully involved in the operation of the nursery and assessment processes
Community Building: Parents report that children quickly settle into the nursery and develop very close bonds with their key person and other staff
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Staff provide inspirational leadership and demonstrate an incredible passion
Safeguarding Training: Staff have an excellent understanding of child protection and safeguarding's wider issues
Play and Learning Integration: Children are highly motivated learners and are eager to explore their environment and discover new things
Transition to Primary School: Transition processes meet the needs of the children and enable them to settle with ease in their new room and when moving on to school
Child Safety Management: Highly effective security systems, deployment of staff and very robust health and safety procedures help to ensure children are kept safe and protected from harm
Children's Safety and Security: Children understand how to keep themselves safe while playing outdoors
Happiness and Settling: Parents comment that their children are extremely happy and well settled, and thoroughly enjoy their time in the nursery
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Muddy Boots Nursery (Cumbria) Ltd is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

This nursery accepts children from 0.3-7.11 years old.

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Muddy Boots Nursery (Cumbria) Ltd
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From the Muddy Boots Nursery (Cumbria) Ltd
Award-winning graduate-led children's day nurseries include Muddy Boots Nursery and Little Oaks at Muddy Boots Nursery. While Little Oaks at Muddy Boots nursery is located on a residential area in Carleton Villages on the South Eastern Fringes of Penrith, Muddy Boots nursery is located in a secure and lovely setting on the grounds of Newton Rigg College, Penrith. Award-winning graduate-led children's day nurseries include Muddy Boots Nursery and Little Oaks at Muddy Boots Nursery. While Little Oaks at Muddy Boots nursery is located on a residential area in Carleton Villages on the South Eastern Fringes of Penrith, Muddy Boots nursery is located in a secure and lovely setting on the grounds of Newton Rigg College, Penrith. Both nurseries are open from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm every day, and they are only closed for Christmas and bank holidays. They are open 52 weeks of the year. Both settings, Muddy Boots Nursery and Little Oaks at Muddy Boots, are licenced to care for infants and kids from 3 months to 5 years old. Muddy Boots Nursery is licenced for 51 places, and Little Oaks at Muddy Boots is licenced for 48 places. Near addition to offering childcare for staff and students who attend Newton Rigg College in Penrith, the nursery also offers care for infants and young children in the neighbourhood.
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