
Mother Goose Day Nursery | Ofsted Reports, Fees, Reviews (2025)

Mother Goose Day Nursery
Mother Goose Day Nursery
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The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Not Applicable
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Diverse Books and Toys: Books that feature a variety of transport vehicles to build on children's good range of vocabulary.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Staff remind children to be careful, such as when handling China plates, but do not consistently teach children about the reasons.
Activities: Babies explore materials like jelly using their senses and recreate effects independently.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children develop new skills like using a fork, ask questions to find out information, and use mathematical language in their play.
Communication: Staff invite parents to share information about their children's learning from home and extend these skills within the nursery.
Community Building: The new 'welcome sessions' are helping children become more confident around others and develop good listening skills.
Programs and Resources: Staff work together with parents and other professionals to ensure children receive early help and support.
Staff Training: Staff complete a broad range of training to promote children's safety and welfare.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: The dedicated staff are caring and kind, nurturing every child to help them feel happy, settled, and secure.
Safeguarding Training: Leaders create a culture of vigilance and staff complete a broad range of safeguarding training.
Play and Learning Integration: Staff spend quality time engaging with children to shape learning experiences based on their interests.
Transition to Primary School: Children show respect, demonstrate helpful attitudes and happily take on responsible tasks, preparing them for future schooling.
Diversity Management: Children who speak English as an additional language use their home languages during play and confidently say some words in English.
Child Safety Management: The upgraded entry system ensures visitors are carefully monitored and children are kept safe.
Children's Safety and Security: Staff know children well and respond quickly to sickness to prevent the spread of infection.
Teaching Personal Safety: Staff quickly explain that spillages need to be mopped up from the floor but do not consistently teach children why.
Happiness and Settling: Children offer kind gestures to their friends, helping all children feel included and valued.
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About Us

Mother Goose Day Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

This nursery accepts children from 0.3-5 years old.

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From the Mother Goose Day Nursery
Mother Goose Day Nursery is located five minutes from the northern bypass on Wigton Road, one of the main thoroughfares towards Carlisle City Center. The children who attend come from all across Carlisle and Wigton because of our excellent location close to the hospital, city centre, and bypass. In addition, there is a bus stop right outside the nursery that is frequently used by parents. We are surprisingly big; from the outside, we may appear to be a typical house, but once inside, parents frequently remark on how roomy we are. At any given moment, we are registered for 45 kids. For three distinct age groups, we offer spacious rooms that are separate. Fishes live two to three years, ducklings four months to two years, and our preschool class has three years till kindergarten. We also offer a quiet area and a place where people can sleep. We have easy access to a sizable, safe outside space. We believe that everyday access to the garden area is crucial to the health and overall wellbeing of all of our kids. We have applied for the preschool award and the two-year-old grant. Flexible grant delivery options include five or four sessions a week, over two days, or only during term time spread out over the course of the year. We will try our best to accommodate your family's needs if you let us know what they are. Since choosing daycare can be challenging, Mother Goose strives to make the process as simple as possible by providing settling-in sessions as needed by both you and your child, a parent induction procedure, and frequent feedback and updates about your child's development. To schedule an informal tour where you can observe our service in action, please contact us by phone or email.
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