
Midland Road Nursery School & Children's Centre

Midland Road Nursery School & Children's Centre
1 schools in compare list
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Inspiring, vibrant, and offers excellent challenge for all children
Activities: Children explore the forest area, and balance and climb on equipment
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children display their deep understanding of the life cycle of butterflies and very accurately describe the transformation that takes place
Communication: Staff provide an exceptional range of information for parents to help them support their children's learning at home
Community Building: Parents describe the nursery as a 'nurturing and family-friendly environment'
Programs and Resources: Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) superbly well and help them to make swift progress
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Parents are highly complimentary about the excellent quality of the nursery, describing the 'amazing staff'
Safeguarding Training: Staff have an excellent knowledge of child protection issues and a first-rate understanding of how to report and refer any concerns about children's welfare
Play and Learning Integration: Children challenge their physical skills as they explore the forest area and climb on equipment
Transition to Primary School: Children show superb attitudes for their future learning, including starting school
Child Safety Management: Staff implement robust recruitment and vetting processes to ensure staff and governors are suitable
Children's Safety and Security: Staff provide exceptional levels of support to a number of vulnerable children and families who have high levels of need
Happiness and Settling: Babies and young children thrive and build extremely secure emotional attachments to their consistent key person
Historical Ofsted reports
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Midland Road Nursery School & Children's Centre is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

This nursery accepts children from 0-5 years old.

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Midland Road Nursery School & Children's Centre
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