
Little Pioneers Nursery & Pre-School, Leamington Spa

Little Pioneers Nursery & Pre-School, Leamington Spa
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Activities: Engaging children in playing imaginative games and developing coordination skills.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children gain the skills and knowledge they need to prepare them for the next stages in their learning.
Communication: Parents are kept well informed about their child's care and learning progress.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Staff are caring, nurturing, and attentive to each child's needs.
Safeguarding Training: Staff understand their responsibilities to protect children from harm and know procedures to follow.
Child Safety Management: Routine checks are made on the premises to ensure they are safe for children to attend.
Children's Safety and Security: Children feel safe and secure in their care.
Historical Ofsted reports
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Little Pioneers Nursery & Pre-School, Leamington Spa is a Nursery, Nursery located in Warwickshire, West Midlands.

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From the Little Pioneers Nursery & Pre-School, Leamington Spa
The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services, and Skills is known as "Ofsted."
By boosting standards for children's social services and education, Ofsted seeks to enhance lives.
From childminders to training providers, schools to local authorities, we examine and regulate thousands of organisations and people who provide education, training, and care, and we communicate what we uncover.
Additionally, we have direct contracts with over 2,000 Ofsted inspectors to conduct inspections of schools and postsecondary institutions of higher learning and skill development.
The biographies of the present Her Majesty's Inspectors are included in our pen portraits (HMIs).
In addition to maintained schools and academies, there are numerous other educational establishments and programmes outside of higher education, including some independent schools, colleges, apprenticeship providers, and jail education.
childcare, neighbourhood governments, adoption and foster care organisations, and beginning teacher preparation and teacher development.
a variety of early years and children's social care services, making sure they're appropriate for kids and young people who may be at risk.
releasing summaries of our findings so they might be applied to raise the general standard of instruction and training.
The National Preventive Mechanism, which keeps tabs on jails and prisons and reports on them, includes Ofsted as a member.
We prioritise children and learners and are impartial, evidence-based, responsible, and open.
Making the most of our insights: Through our research and analysis, we share insights.
The best start in life: We will create a body of research on early years education, including pedagogy and curriculum, and we'll act on it.
Adapting to industry changes: We adapt as the social care and education sectors change.
More information on our priorities can be found in the Ofsted 2022 to 2027 strategy.
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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2023/24

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 30th Oct 2023 - 3rd Nov 2023
Winter Holidays 25th Dec 2023 - 5th Jan 2024
Spring Half Term Holidays 12th Feb 2024 - 16th Feb 2024
Spring Holidays 25th Mar 2024 - 5th Apr 2024
Summer Half Term Holidays 27th May 2024 - 31st May 2024
Summer Holidays 22nd Jul 2024 - 30th Aug 2024

Terms Dates 2023/24

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 1st Sep 2023 - 29th Oct 2023
Autumn Term-2 4th Nov 2023 - 24th Dec 2023
Spring Term 6th Jan 2024 - 11th Feb 2024
Spring Term-2 17th Feb 2024 - 24th Mar 2024
Summer Term 6th Apr 2024 - 26th May 2024
Summer Term-2 1st Jun 2024 - 21st Jul 2024
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