
Little Monkeys Day Nursery

Little Monkeys Day Nursery
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding
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Diverse Books and Toys: Children develop a love of stories, books and songs from an early age, becoming enthralled as staff bring stories to life.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children enjoy animal and tractor visits with the local farmer.
Philosophy: Leaders ensure that their strong vision and clear ethos are threaded throughout the play-based curriculum.
Activities: Children display high levels of curiosity and a sense of wonder in this stimulating environment.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children's inquisitiveness and curiosity help them to become lifelong learners and make outstanding progress.
Communication: Parents say they feel involved in their children's learning.
Community Building: They love the way the nursery celebrates the inclusiveness of the community and the families who attend the nursery.
Programs and Resources: Staff build extremely effective relationships with parents and other professionals to swiftly identify children's needs and emerging interests.
Staff Training: Experienced leaders and highly skilled staff have developed a bespoke curriculum that details the building blocks for children's learning and development.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Children come into nursery happy to attend and are greeted by attentive, kind and caring staff.
Safeguarding Training: All new staff complete a thorough induction, which includes in-depth knowledge of the nursery's safeguarding policies, procedures and safeguarding training.
Play and Learning Integration: Children's attitudes to learning are strong. They confidently join in, make decisions and use enquiry, curiosity and their own theories to predict situations.
Transition to Primary School: Children being exceptionally well prepared for their future move on to school.
Diversity Management: All children, including children who speak English as an additional language and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, flourish due to staff's strong commitment.
Child Safety Management: Leaders and staff construct a safe environment where children are encouraged to manage risks themselves, including the use of real woodworking tools and forest school activities.
Children's Safety and Security: Leaders have robust recruitment procedures in place.
Teaching Personal Safety: Mountain rescue and the police visit the nursery to help children learn how to keep themselves safe.
Happiness and Settling: Children are incredibly happy, content and highly enthusiastic in this nurturing and fully inclusive nursery.
Nutritional Menu: Staff are highly effective at promoting healthy lifestyles with children, including encouraging healthy eating, oral hygiene and active physical play outdoors.
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Little Monkeys Day Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

This nursery accepts children from 0-5 years old.

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Little Monkeys Day Nursery
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From the Little Monkeys Day Nursery
As early childhood educators, we are adamant that every child should have the best start in life and assistance to reach their full potential. We are aware that a child's early experiences have a significant influence on their future, and at Little Monkeys, we take great satisfaction in offering top-notch care for kids ages 0 to 5. The Early Years Foundation Stage, which is the proper government advice for children from birth to the end of the reception year, is followed while the children are cared for in a secure and stimulating setting (EYFS). This guidance strongly supports each child's uniqueness and places utmost attention on their best interests. We collaborate with parents and caregivers and actively encourage their participation in the upbringing and education of their children because they are the children's first and most enduring teachers. By putting the child at the centre of everything we do, along with strong connections and enabling surroundings, we can inspire learning and development in all areas of the EYFS because we believe that children learn and develop in the context of the people and places around them. Through our daily schedules, activities, and high-quality, freshly produced snacks and meals that are cooked in our cosy on-site kitchen, we promote happy and healthy lifestyles. Our on-site nursery cook prepares and serves carefully considered menus for the nursery that are balanced and nutritious in accordance with our Smile for Life Accreditation and Cumbria Healthy Families Pledge. Little Monkeys is pleased to obtain a 5-star local authority hygiene rating. View the results of our most recent inspection here.
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