
Little Hearts Nursery Shipley

Little Hearts Nursery Shipley
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Not Applicable
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Vibrant and well-resourced nursery with extended periods of play.
Activities: Staff plan highly enjoyable and engaging activities that reflect children's interests.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children's experiences are carefully sequenced to help children build their knowledge over time.
Communication: Building very secure attachments between children, staff and parents is given a high priority.
Community Building: Staff go above and beyond to support families, such as delivering hampers to families they know struggle at Christmas.
Programs and Resources: Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are exceptionally well supported.
Staff Training: Staff are very quick to spot signs of children not meeting relevant milestones and put actions in place without delay.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Staff say they feel highly valued and appreciated for their hard work. Parents praise the staff and feel valued and supported.
Safeguarding Training: Staff ensure that children are kept safe in the setting and learn how to keep themselves safe.
Play and Learning Integration: Children enjoy the freedom of leading their own play in this vibrant and well-resourced nursery.
Transition to Primary School: This helps develop children's resilience in preparation for later life.
Diversity Management: Oral hygiene and healthy eating is promoted extremely well through various activities and community links.
Child Safety Management: Staff ensure that children are kept safe in the setting and learn how to keep themselves safe.
Children's Safety and Security: Staff have an excellent understanding of how to keep children safe.
Teaching Personal Safety: They have a thorough understanding of local authority procedures and of wider safeguarding issues.
Happiness and Settling: Children settle in quickly. They are extremely happy, fully engaged and highly motivated in their play.
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Little Hearts Nursery Shipley is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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From the Little Hearts Nursery Shipley
The instructors and caregivers for your child will make sure that the activities are appropriate for his or her particular needs. We want to nurture happy and secure young children, so we encourage our parents and caregivers to work closely with us, following the same routines and principles. We have a minimal staff-to-child ratio of 1:3 in the baby rooms, 1:4 for toddlers, and 1:8 in the preschools. However, because of our overstaffing, there are always plenty of additional adults available to assist as well because we are understaffed. The educators and caregivers for your kid will ensure that the activities are appropriate for his or her specific requirements and will use their observations of your child to create activities that reflect his or her unique interests. Through the 7 domains of learning, your child will pick up new abilities, gain knowledge, and demonstrate comprehension. The three primary areas usually develop first in children.
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