
Little Hearts | Ofsted Reports, Fees, Reviews (2025)

Little Hearts
Little Hearts
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The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Diverse Books and Toys: Children show great interest in role play in the child-sized fitted kitchens that reflect differing family backgrounds.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children freely access outdoor play. This facilitates their learning styles and interests wonderfully.
Activities: Children investigate a wealth of materials and natural objects, using all of their senses.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children develop excellent small-muscle strength in readiness for writing. They manipulate resources in the 'finger gym' area.
Communication: Staff meticulously plan for children's care, learning and interests, in excellent consultation with parents.
Community Building: Parents enjoy staying with their children for a wonderful story session as part of World Book Day.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Children form exceptionally strong emotional attachments with all staff, who warmly welcome families.
Safeguarding Training: Comprehensive safeguarding policies and procedures underpin staff's first-rate practice.
Play and Learning Integration: Children giggle as the sand tickles their bare feet while exploring in the large, exciting indoor sandpit.
Transition to Primary School: Children look at photograph booklets about the schools they are moving on to.
Child Safety Management: Staff undertake meticulous risk assessments to ensure children's safety both on and off the premises.
Children's Safety and Security: Children feel safe and secure in the nursery's unique learning environments.
Happiness and Settling: Children proudly show off their costumes and actively participate in activities.
Nutritional Menu: Children have superior opportunities to be physically active and learn about healthy living.
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About Us

Little Hearts is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

This nursery accepts children from 0-5 years old.

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From the Little Hearts
The instructors and caregivers for your child will make sure that the activities are appropriate for his or her particular needs. We want to nurture happy and secure young children, so we encourage our parents and caregivers to work closely with us, following the same routines and principles. We have a minimal staff-to-child ratio of 1:3 in the baby rooms, 1:4 for toddlers, and 1:8 in the preschools. However, because of our overstaffing, there are always plenty of additional adults available to assist as well because we are understaffed. The educators and caregivers for your kid will ensure that the activities are appropriate for his or her specific requirements and will use their observations of your child to create activities that reflect his or her unique interests. Through the 7 domains of learning, your child will pick up new abilities, gain knowledge, and demonstrate comprehension. The three primary areas usually develop first in children.
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