
Little Advocates Montessori Nursery

Little Advocates Montessori Nursery
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: They laugh as they ride bikes through large puddles in the outdoor area. They play together on see-saws and giggle as they lift each other higher.
Philosophy: Little Advocates Montessori Nursery follows the Montessori approach.
Activities: They demonstrate superb social skills. Children quickly learn the routine of the setting and understand the rules. They brush floors with dustpans and brushes and wash down tables with wet cloths.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children demonstrate excellent literacy skills. They recognise letters and make marks in flour.
Communication: Parents are provided with a wealth of information about children's learning and development and ways that their learning can be continued at home.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Parents speak extremely highly of the setting. They comment on how nurturing staff are towards their children in helping them to settle into the setting.
Safeguarding Training: Staff have an excellent understanding of the setting's safeguarding policy and receive high levels of training.
Play and Learning Integration: Children show deep engagement in their play and create their own imaginary games. For instance, they wrap each other up in blankets, offering soft toys and comforters, and pretend to go to sleep.
Transition to Primary School: Children are exceptionally well prepared for their next stage in learning and their eventual move to school.
Child Safety Management: Risk assessments are completed swiftly, and they encourage children to keep themselves safe.
Children's Safety and Security: Children form wonderful relationships with one another and show that they feel safe and secure in the care of the nurturing staff.
Happiness and Settling: Children thrive at this highly inclusive and inviting setting.
Nutritional Menu: Children benefit from a range of healthy and nutritious foods at mealtimes.
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Little Advocates Montessori Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

This nursery accepts children from 0.9-5 years old.

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Little Advocates Montessori Nursery
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