
Little Acorns Day Nursery & Pre-School

Little Acorns Day Nursery & Pre-School
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding
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Diverse Books and Toys: Staff consistently read books and stories of children's choosing, inspiring children's mathematical and literacy development.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Toddlers climb and balance on large tyres outside, showing good control and coordination.
Activities: Children's imaginations enthuse others; babies explore cornflour gloop play and toddlers create a 'car wash' with foam, water, and paint.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children show excellent memory skills, recalling events like the Queen's Jubilee, and gain key skills needed for their next stages of learning.
Communication: Parents like the effective communication they receive during the day about how their children are doing and the activities they are enjoying.
Community Building: Parents comment about babies signing, and toddlers learning about emotions and talking about their friends.
Programs and Resources: All children, including those that need additional help, are very well supported, ensuring they meet their planned targets and make continual progress.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Parents say that staff are excellent and they rapidly develop confidence in children.
Safeguarding Training: Staff take part in training and team discussions to keep their knowledge about all aspects of safeguarding up to date.
Play and Learning Integration: Pre-school children concentrate hard and work exceptionally well together, making space rockets and building a ship.
Transition to Primary School: Children gain the key skills which they need for their next stages of learning.
Child Safety Management: Toddlers know not to sit on blocks on bikes and older children remind friends to keep scissors low.
Children's Safety and Security: Children are very happy and settled, displaying secure emotional attachments to staff.
Teaching Personal Safety: Children learn about how to keep safe, supervised vigilantly by staff.
Happiness and Settling: Children are very happy and settled, showing secure emotional attachments to staff.
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Little Acorns Day Nursery & Pre-School is a Nursery, Nursery located in East Riding of Yorkshire County, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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From the Little Acorns Day Nursery & Pre-School
At Little Acorns, we make a consistent effort to give every child a safe, engaging, and encouraging environment. Each child's aptitudes, talents, and skills can be enhanced to the fullest extent possible. Our wonderful curriculum is ingrained by our practitioners' talent, drive, and compassion. Longtime friends Margaret and Christine founded Little Acorns, a privately run daycare, in 2001. Because Little Acorns is not a franchise, the proprietors can devote all of their attention and resources to making it the ideal place for you and your kid. Christine will follow Margaret in retiring in 2021. Along with her husband Paul, Gemma, who had been the settings manager for more than 15 years, became the new owners. With a degree in early childhood studies, Gemma began working as a nursery practitioner in 2002 and assumed management responsibilities in 2008. While Gemma focuses on the care and education aspects of the nursery, Paul, who has a background in IT and is a web developer, manages the facility's finances. With a very low personnel turnover, it has a committed staff team. In addition to management and part of the staff team holding degrees in early childhood studies, all staff members are fully qualified level 3 nursery practitioners. To cover staff absences, illnesses, paperwork, and other responsibilities, the nursery hires additional part-time employees. We also have a cook and a cleaner on-site.
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