
Kingston Nursery | Ofsted Reports, Fees, Reviews (2025)

Kingston Nursery
Kingston Nursery
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The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Inadequate
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Playground supports balance and coordination
Activities: Children engage in activities that interest and engage them
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Staff support independence in self-care skills
Communication: Staff share regular updates with parents about children's routines and progress
Programs and Resources: Children with special educational needs make good progress
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Staff greet children warmly and are enthusiastic for their success
Safeguarding Training: Recent training has helped staff plan and promote communication effectively
Play and Learning Integration: Staff encourage play to develop skills like balance and coordination
Transition to Primary School: Staff support the transition to primary school well
Diversity Management: Children with English as an additional language make good progress
Child Safety Management: Children practise keeping safe in their play
Happiness and Settling: Children settle straight down to activities and look happy
Nutritional Menu: Children understand what foods keep them healthy; nutritious snacks provided
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Kingston Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in East Riding of Yorkshire County, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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