
Kiddlywinks Preschool and day Nursery | Ofsted Reports, Reviews (2025)

Kiddlywinks Preschool and day Nursery
Kiddlywinks Preschool and day Nursery
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The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Not Applicable
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Recently extended play area with real-life resources such as china crockery and tools for safe use.
Philosophy: Home-from-home environment focusing on individual needs and interests.
Activities: Wide range of opportunities to be active, including ballet and enhanced dancing activities.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Focus on children serving themselves and washing up; expert independence and social skills.
Communication: Parents and carers highly value the help and guidance they receive, praising the exceptional support from the staff team.
Community Building: Staff, parents, and carers are passionate about the 'family' ethos within the nursery.
Programs and Resources: Specialist provision for funded children, children who speak English as an additional language (EAL), and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Staff Training: Bespoke training and ongoing mentoring for staff, including regular peer-on-peer reviews and supervision meetings.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Staff greet children with beaming smiles and form strong attachments with them.
Safeguarding Training: Staff have thorough child protection training and clear understanding of safeguarding concerns.
Play and Learning Integration: Children enjoy playing outdoors and problem-solving while constructing bridges using crates and planks of wood.
Transition to Primary School: Children show expert independence and social skills that will support them when starting school.
Diversity Management: Effective support for children with dual languages and limited speech through picture cards and visual timetables.
Child Safety Management: The manager and staff team have a highly comprehensive knowledge of safeguarding.
Children's Safety and Security: Children feel safe and secure, demonstrating close friendships with peers and strong attachments with staff.
Teaching Personal Safety: Children learn to handle real china crockery with care and keep themselves safe using tools.
Happiness and Settling: Children arrive with beaming smiles, showing they feel safe and secure.
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Kiddlywinks Preschool and day Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

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