
Jitterbugs Day Nursery

Jitterbugs Day Nursery
1 schools in compare list
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: The nursery environment, both indoors and outside, is highly stimulating, inviting and rich with carefully planned learning opportunities.
Activities: Staff provide children with an extraordinary range of stimulating and challenging activities both indoors and outdoors.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Practitioners use a range of highly effective methods to support children's development. Consequently, all children make excellent progress.
Communication: Staff work highly effectively with a range of other professionals, referring to them for support and advice.
Programs and Resources: Children who require additional support make excellent progress.
Child Safety Management: Staff have an in-depth knowledge of how to keep children safe.
Children's Safety and Security: Children display exceptionally high levels of well-being and feel safe in this nursery.
Happiness and Settling: Babies form very secure attachments with their key person. This in turn helps them to develop independence and confidence as they explore the environment.
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Jitterbugs Day Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in North Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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From the Jitterbugs Day Nursery
The place is open seven days a week from 7.45 am to 6 pm.
There are 51 weeks in a year, not including weekends or Christmas.
We offer a variety of educational resources and activities for the kids to explore within the environment.
ensuring that all requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage are met in terms of the development of children.
We offer both child-initiated and adult-guided activities inside the unit to meet each student's unique educational needs.
For instance, if a child spent the day at the beach with their family and then came back to Jitterbugs to share their experiences, we would then plan activities centred around the beach, encourage sand castle building, and bring in items like seaweed, shells, and other beach-related items for the kids to explore.
For instance, if a child spent the day at the beach with their family and then came back to Jitterbugs to share their experiences, we would then plan activities centred around the beach, encourage sand castle building, and bring in items like seaweed, shells, and other beach-related items for the kids to explore.
Children can participate in a wide variety of educational activities in the Cocoons room on a free flow system both inside and outside.
Activities/experiences provided meet all 7 areas of the curriculum enabling the children to make independent choices about where they want to play and the type of activities they access.
Practitioners in this field offer activities in addition to adult-led ones that are geared toward children's interests.
The Cocoons unit uses a free-flow arrangement at snack time.
The kids can select which of two nutritious snacks and a drink from water, milk, or a prepared fruit or vegetable smoothie they prefer, and when they want it throughout the lesson.
This encourages independence and helps them improve their social skills.
Our Butterfly unit, which tries to provide each child the greatest educational start possible by developing activities focused around the 7 areas of the curriculum, is the first step in preparing your kid for school.
The Butterfly unit provides continues provision through the free flow system to enable the children to make independent choices on where to play within the different areas.
We focus on providing stimulating activities throughout the day for the children thrive in their surroundings to enable them to reach their full protentional.
The free-flow concept is used at snack time in the Butterfly unit so that the students can make their own decisions.
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