
Happy Tots Day Nursery Limited

Happy Tots Day Nursery Limited
1 schools in compare list
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: To further improve the quality of the early years provision the provider should continue to develop plans to increase opportunities for physical activities outdoors and inspire children even further to explore and investigate the natural environment.
Activities: Staff plan activities around children's interest in the circus, play music while children dress up, and introduce related activities like hook a numbered duck and making popcorn.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children make excellent progress in their development and are very well prepared for their move on to school.
Communication: Highly effective communication methods ensure that parents are aware of their children's experiences in the nursery.
Community Building: Parents feel valued and included in supporting their children's learning.
Programs and Resources: Children who receive additional funding are receiving excellent support to help swiftly close gaps in their development.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: The highly dedicated and experienced management team is passionate about continually raising the quality of the service to the highest possible levels.
Safeguarding Training: All staff have an impressively comprehensive knowledge of the safeguarding policies that help protect children's welfare and keep them safe.
Play and Learning Integration: Staff encourage learning by posing challenges for children, modeling how to use resources and asking questions to support children's communication, language and thinking skills.
Transition to Primary School: All children make excellent progress in their development and are very well prepared for their move on to school.
Child Safety Management: All staff have an impressively comprehensive knowledge of the safeguarding policies that help protect children's welfare and keep them safe.
Happiness and Settling: Children flourish in the highly nurturing environment and develop an excellent sense of belonging.
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Happy Tots Day Nursery Limited is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

This nursery accepts children from 0.2-5 years old.

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Happy Tots Day Nursery Limited
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From the Happy Tots Day Nursery Limited
Within two Home Rooms known as Ladybird 1 for our non-walkers and Ladybird 2 for those who are up and taking steps, our Baby rooms provide care for kids from 10 weeks to 2 years old.
Our infant rooms are the most personal and cosy spaces since there is a staff to baby ratio of 1:3.
We establish positive ties with our parents and caregivers from the beginning, according to your schedule for your particular child.
Babies may explore their surroundings, establish their sense of self, and engage in their first play experiences in environments with little furniture and properly chosen playthings.
Our baby room provides a delightful environment full of textures and imaginative areas where our infants are encouraged to explore and challenge their still-developing minds.
Babies may unwind and rest anytime they need to in the room because it has a separate private sleeping room and a diaper-changing station of its own.
A cot monitor staff member checks in on this sleeping area physically every five minutes so that we can keep a close eye on the kids as they sleep.
Two six-seat strollers that we refer to as our "Walking Buses" are available for our tiny babies and allow staff to take the children on walks.
We also offer an outside soft padded area where babies may crawl and explore the wide variety of toys and equipment we have to support each child's physical development. This area is for babies who are crawling or standing up.
Every day, we prepare all of our meals from scratch, and we provide options for every type of diet, allergy, and weaning stage.
Each child is given a cot that has their own bedding as well as any comforters they might need.
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