
Funtastik (Baildon Child Care Co-operative Ltd) | Ofsted Reports, Reviews (2025)

Funtastik (Baildon Child Care Co-operative Ltd)
Funtastik (Baildon Child Care Co-operative Ltd)
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Diverse Books and Toys: Children select what they want to play with from a broad range of activity choices and a wealth of accessible resources.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children enter and are clearly familiar with daily routines, as they use the hand gel, then hang up their belongings. The club is safe, stimulating and inclusive.
Communication: Staff exchange important information with parents and Reception-class teachers, to emotionally support new children. Staff provide activity packs for children. They distribute newsletters and emails to parents.
Community Building: Staff help children to feel a sense of ownership of the club; children add suggestions for new resources and activities to staff's planning.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Children form extremely positive relationships with caring staff, who create a relaxed, welcoming and friendly environment.
Safeguarding Training: The provider implements rigorous recruitment of staff, to ensure that they are suitable to work with children. Staff can identify the indicators of abuse and fully understand how to report their concerns.
Play and Learning Integration: Children show excellent focus as they use tools and dough during creative play.
Transition to Primary School: Staff establish excellent partnerships with Reception-class staff; teachers visit the club and staff hold regular conversations with them.
Child Safety Management: Staff undertake effective risk assessments to help promote children's welfare. Children help to risk assess activities and the use of equipment, such as physical apparatus.
Children's Safety and Security: The manager closely monitors access when parents pick up their children.
Teaching Personal Safety: Staff have compiled an 'internet safety' file to help reinforce messages to children, in partnership with parents.
Happiness and Settling: Children chat excitedly as they walk sensibly across the school playground to the club. They eagerly enter and are clearly familiar with daily routines.
Nutritional Menu: Children wash their hands before choosing from a wide variety of healthy snack options.
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Funtastik (Baildon Child Care Co-operative Ltd) is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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