
Footsteps Nursery

Footsteps Nursery
1 schools in compare list
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: The highly effective security systems, staff deployment, and robust health and safety procedures ensure children are kept safe and protected from harm.
Philosophy: Staff's understanding of the educational philosophy they apply in the nursery is excellent and effectively meets the needs and interests of all the children attending.
Activities: Staff are extremely competent in planning a broad range of exciting activities that motivates and engages children to play and learn.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Staff have high expectations of them and use their comprehensive knowledge about each child's learning style, level of achievement, and interests to support children in all aspects of their learning and development.
Communication: Partnership working is excellent. The cohesive approach with parents, carers, and multi-agency teams enables staff to meet children's individual needs exceptionally well.
Community Building: Parents are passionate about the service the staff provide. They trust staff implicitly and comment that children are extremely happy, well settled, and thoroughly enjoy their time spent in the nursery.
Programs and Resources: Including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), children who speak English as an additional language and those who receive funding.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: The nursery benefits from the outstanding and inspirational leadership of the manager and the exceptional practice of the highly qualified and motivated staff team.
Safeguarding Training: Staff have an excellent understanding of child protection and safeguarding's wider issues. The implementation of a targeted programme of professional development, staff monitoring, and regular supervision ensures that the already highly qualified staff constantly build on their knowledge, qualifications, and skills.
Play and Learning Integration: Staff provide high levels of physical challenge and encourage children to explore and gain new skills. For example, children enjoy indoor yoga exercises, energetic play outside with props, and listening to sounds while following the music trail in the garden.
Transition to Primary School: Transition processes meet the needs of the children and enable them to settle with ease in their new room and when moving on to school.
Diversity Management: Staff's understanding of the educational philosophy they apply in the nursery is excellent and effectively meets the needs and interests of all the children attending.
Child Safety Management: The highly effective security systems, staff deployment, and robust health and safety procedures ensure children are kept safe and protected from harm.
Children's Safety and Security: Children behave impeccably. They demonstrate exceptionally strong attachments with staff, and parents report that children settle in quickly.
Happiness and Settling: Parents comment that children are extremely happy, well-settled, and thoroughly enjoy their time spent in the nursery.
Historical Ofsted reports
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Footsteps Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

This nursery accepts children from 0.3-5.11 years old.

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From the Footsteps Nursery
a welcoming, pleasant place where parents and children can feel safe.
committed to provide children's (ages 3 months to 5) care that is of the highest calibre, accessible, affordable, and safe.
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