
Embsay with Eastby Pre-School Playgroup

Embsay with Eastby Pre-School Playgroup
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding
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This insight was generated by AI, based on latest Ofsted report.

Diverse Books and Toys: Children thoroughly enjoy listening to stories and exploring books independently.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children move very confidently between inside and outside and make their own play choices from the interesting variety of activities on offer. The outside areas are used particularly well to enrich children's learning.
Activities: Children flourish at this unique pre-school and are extremely happy and settled. They eagerly go off to find their friends and become deeply engrossed in their play.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children make outstanding progress from their starting points. Teaching is consistently of the highest quality. Children's progress is meticulously monitored to ensure that any potential gaps in their learning are quickly identified and managed.
Communication: Parents highly commend the staff about the help, advice and support they receive, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. They cannot praise the staff enough for keeping in touch with them through phone calls and emails.
Community Building: Parents describe the pre-school as 'amazing' and staff 'go above and beyond'.
Programs and Resources: The highly skilled, well-qualified and experienced staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities exceptionally well.
Staff Training: They access specific training to continually develop their professional skills and improve their already excellent practice.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: The highly reflective manager and staff team continually strive to deliver the very best experiences for families.
Safeguarding Training: Staff are extremely vigilant in noticing any changes in a child's behaviour and actions. They have robust procedures in place to report concerns about children's welfare.
Play and Learning Integration: They develop trusting bonds with their key person and the staff team, and show they feel safe.
Transition to Primary School: Children are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their learning, including school.
Child Safety Management: Staff continually review the environment, both indoors and outdoors, to make sure it is safe and secure. They take prompt action to minimise any hazards to keep children safe.
Children's Safety and Security: Children are provided with high-quality care in a calm and stimulating home-from-home learning environment.
Happiness and Settling: Children flourish at this unique pre-school and are extremely happy and settled.
Historical Ofsted reports
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Embsay with Eastby Pre-School Playgroup is a Nursery, Nursery located in North Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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