
Embsay Children's Centre

Embsay Children's Centre
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children relish having adventures outdoors in the exciting play area, such as in the large wooden pirate ship.
Activities: Children listen attentively to stories and join in with songs and their actions enthusiastically. Very young children make choices in their play, for example, when they select wooden jigsaws to investigate.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children of all ages are highly inquisitive, confident, and talkative, demonstrating a very positive attitude towards learning. The youngest children explore their stimulating playroom confidently, while practising their early walking and communication skills.
Communication: Parents greatly appreciate the highly effective strategies for communication about their children's care and development and support from staff.
Programs and Resources: Staff have an expert approach to language development, including support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Staff Training: They access targeted continuous professional development that is directly linked to supporting individual children and groups.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: The caring and well-qualified staff ensure that all children feel happy and safe and learn to the best of their abilities.
Safeguarding Training: Managers and staff place the highest priority on children's welfare and well-being. They are extremely well trained, including in wider child protection issues.
Play and Learning Integration: Staff identify any gaps in children's learning and act promptly to help narrow these rapidly.
Transition to Primary School: Arrangements for moves between rooms, other settings and eventually schools are exemplary.
Child Safety Management: They ensure that they supervise children closely, while also encouraging them to take safe risks, such as when they climb and balance in the garden area.
Children's Safety and Security: All children form extremely secure emotional attachments with staff.
Happiness and Settling: Children hugely enjoy looking at books and hearing rhymes. Young toddlers laugh with glee when they hear warm praise for their efforts.
Nutritional Menu: They benefit from nutritious and inviting meals and follow rigorous hygiene routines.
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Embsay Children's Centre is a Nursery, Nursery located in North Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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Embsay Children's Centre
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From the Embsay Children's Centre
The staff excels at encouraging children's high self-esteem from the start. Children at the nursery interact with their classmates with a strong sense of self and exude confidence. 2014 Ofsted Since 1992, we have provided an exceptional, child-centered preschool education together with flexible daycare for children from birth to 14 years old. We think the education and care we offer is truly exceptional because we are located in the centre of the hamlet of Embsay. Ofsted concurs and found us to be exceptional in every way during their inspection. If you're brand-new to the Center, we hope you may utilise the website to learn more about us, take the virtual tour, or even better, stop by and pay us a visit in person. If you're already a member of our community, check out the news and parenting sites, which will soon be filled with tonnes of helpful information. You can download both our most recent and older Ofsted reports from Ofsted. We take seriously your information's security. All of the images of children on this page and our Facebook page are old, and we only ever publish pictures with explicit parental approval.
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