
East Hanningfield Pre-school | Ofsted Reports, Reviews (2024)

East Hanningfield Pre-school
East Hanningfield Pre-school
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The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Diverse Books and Toys: Children have access to a broad and exciting range of activities planned on what they already know and can do.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children have access to indoor and outdoor play equipment that supports balance and coordination, such as bicycles, scooters and tricycles.
Activities: They enjoy exploring different activities, such as filling and pouring with sand. Children enjoy dancing and moving their bodies to music and learn about nature as they go for walks in the local park.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children develop good social and behavior management skills. For example, children use sand timers to negotiate turn taking.
Communication: All staff work in partnership with parents to ensure children are well cared for.
Community Building: Staff observe children to assess their development and use this information to plan activities that are of interest to them. Activities are thoughtfully planned in a stimulating environment, and children are motivated to learn and engage in activities for long periods.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Children are safe and have formed secure attachments with the staff team. They are content and play happily alongside their peers in a welcoming and calm environment.
Safeguarding Training: All staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding matters and child protection issues.
Play and Learning Integration: Children enjoy dancing and moving their bodies to music and learn about nature as they go for walks in the local park.
Transition to Primary School: Staff help children to be ready for the next stage in their learning, including going to school when the time comes.
Child Safety Management: All staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding matters and child protection issues.
Children's Safety and Security: Children are safe and have formed secure attachments with the staff team.
Teaching Personal Safety: Children are supported by staff to understand their emotions, for example, they use the color-coded 'emotion fan'.
Happiness and Settling: Children form close relationships with the staff and approach them happily for cuddles and reassurance.
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East Hanningfield Pre-school is a Nursery, Nursery located in Essex, East of England.

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