
Children's Place Summerfield

Children's Place Summerfield
1 schools in compare list
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding
Outcomes for children Outstanding
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Diverse Books and Toys: Staff have added more resources to the creative area.
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Exceptionally stimulating and very homely learning environment for children.
Activities: Highly engaging activities that support children's learning very effectively.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children are enthusiastic learners and become absorbed in their play.
Communication: Feedback from parents is complimentary and they feel their children are developing at an excellent rate.
Programs and Resources: Highly effective partnerships with external professionals make a significant contribution to inclusive provision.
Staff Training: Staff are highly qualified and enhance their knowledge and skills continually.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Staff share very positive relationships with children, who are extremely happy and show high levels of confidence.
Safeguarding Training: All staff have an excellent understanding of their roles in keeping children safe.
Play and Learning Integration: Children help to prepare the tables for lunchtime and estimate how many cups and plates they need.
Transition to Primary School: Children are exceptionally well prepared for the move to school.
Diversity Management: Children's language and communication skills blossom, including for those children who speak English as an additional language.
Child Safety Management: Local police officers visit the setting to promote children's safety.
Children's Safety and Security: Children are extremely happy and show high levels of confidence and self-esteem.
Happiness and Settling: Children are very comfortable to approach staff, extremely happy and show high levels of confidence.
Nutritional Menu: Nutritious, freshly prepared meals support children's health and well-being.
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Children's Place Summerfield is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

This nursery accepts children from 2-8 years old.

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