
Baynards Playgroup

Baynards Playgroup
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Good
Behaviour and attitudes Good
Personal development Good
Leadership and management Good
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Good
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Diverse Books and Toys: Children have wide access to a range of books and stories which link to their current interests or experiences
Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children have continuous access to learning, both indoors and outdoors, to support their physical health
Activities: Staff provide children with stimulating and responsive interactions, including bug hunt activities and riding bicycles and scooters in the garden
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children develop confidence in making independent choices in their play and show good levels of concentration
Communication: Parents report they feel well supported by staff and highlight the effective communication they receive regarding their child’s progress
Community Building: Parents state that staff are 'amazing' and their children love attending
Programs and Resources: Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive an array of support from different professionals
Staff Training: Staff value the importance of working with parents and other professionals to ensure the best start to early education for SEND children
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Children arrive happily and are welcomed by attentive staff who support them to put away their belongings
Safeguarding Training: Staff are very knowledgeable in all aspects of safeguarding and discuss the signs and symptoms of abuse confidently
Play and Learning Integration: Children are inquisitive learners and enjoy moving in response to music, showing good levels of concentration
Transition to Primary School: Children benefit from having their new teacher visit regularly ahead of the transition to primary school
Diversity Management: Children are supported to develop a love of literature and can choose books to continue their learning at home
Child Safety Management: Staff explain the actions they would take if they were concerned that a child was at risk of harm
Children's Safety and Security: A well-established key-person relationship means all children feel happy and secure
Teaching Personal Safety: Staff work with families to support children's awareness of keeping safe online
Happiness and Settling: Children arrive happily at this pre-school and are welcomed by attentive staff
Historical Ofsted reports
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Baynards Playgroup is a Nursery, Nursery located in Essex, East of England.

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From the Baynards Playgroup
Our Pedagogy recognises what children know,understand & can do.
By monitoring how a kid learns and being explicit about what we can do and supply to enable each child to continue to be an effective and motivated learner, we want to provide for the qualities of successful learning.
We place a strong focus on learning through play in our child-centered environment.
To help our kids develop positive self-esteem, we encourage their independence, resiliency, tenacity, and social skills.
In the Congregational Church School rooms, the Tiptree Residents Association established the playgroup in 1962.
Unfortunately, the URC site had to shut in December 2019 due to declining traffic.
In September 1978, the extra 2 sessions at the URC were transferred to the Nursery Unit at Baynards Primary School, where they increased to 6 sessions.
In 1998, Maggie Bishop and Lynne Wall joined Phyllis as co-supervisors in preparation for Phyllis' retirement. In 2002, Lynne Joiner replaced Maggie and Lynne.
As of September 2014, Carly Ford has been working as the new manager.
Since the Football Club wasn't the best location for a group to meet, Jean ONeil, Nora Hayes' deputy, took over the group in 1988. In 1992, they moved to a classroom at Milldene Primary School.
Bev assumed control of the operation upon Jean's retirement, and in the summer of 2014, a new demountable was built.
With a President Janice and Vice President Phyllis who have a lot of knowledge and a passion for making sure our preschools have the best interests of the kids at heart, we take pleasure in our long and strong history.
You may select the preschool that is ideal for you and your kid because we are lucky to have them scattered across the community and apart from the primary schools.
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