
Babraham Nursery

Babraham Nursery
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children thoroughly enjoy spending time outdoors. They explore the forest area, experiment with mud, play tunes on the musical wall or push themselves along on scooters to see how fast they can go. Practitioners know that spending lots of time outdoors, observing nature or being immersed in activities, improves children's physical health and well-being.
Philosophy: Leaders and senior practitioners have designed an ambitious curriculum that ensures every child has the best possible start to their education.
Forest School Sessions: They explore the forest area, experiment with mud, play tunes on the musical wall or push themselves along on scooters to see how fast they can go.
Activities: Practitioners give children many rich opportunities to develop their early writing skills.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Young children give meaning to the marks they make, and older children form recognisable letters to write their own name. Children's work decorates the walls and practitioners write down their words to add to the display. This helps to support children's understanding of what they say can be written and read by someone else.
Communication: Partnerships with parents are very well established and valued. Parents report how exceptionally well informed they are about their children's learning and provide very positive comments about their children's experiences at the nursery.
Community Building: Parents say that practitioners 'go above and beyond' to ensure that their child's welfare is secured. Parents say this reflects how they care deeply for the children and how well looked after they are.
Programs and Resources: Children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, thrive in all aspects of their development. Practitioners liaise very closely with parents and other professionals to ensure that each child receives the support they need. Leaders use additional funding to target specific areas of development for children and reduce any differences in their learning.
Staff Training: Practitioners liaise very closely with parents and other professionals to ensure that each child receives the support they need.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Children are exceptionally confident and thrive in practitioners' nurturing care. Their very strong attachments to their key person, provide the security for them to become absorbed in their learning and play.
Safeguarding Training: Practitioners receive highly effective and regular training to ensure their knowledge of safeguarding issues is up to date.
Play and Learning Integration: Practitioners revisit subjects to check children's understanding. They engage children in conversation and skilfully encourage them to think, question and make decisions.
Diversity Management: Children behave exceptionally well. Practitioners help them to understand and control their feelings and behaviour.
Child Safety Management: Security is very good, and practitioners identify hazards swiftly to minimise any risks to children to help keep them safe.
Children's Safety and Security: Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure. They have formed strong bonds with practitioners.
Happiness and Settling: Children are highly motivated and eager learners. They have very good language skills for their age and use them very effectively to communicate their ideas as they play. Children relish using the new words they have learned.
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Babraham Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cambridgeshire, East of England.

This nursery accepts children from 0.1-5 years old.

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From the Babraham Nursery
We are a not-for-profit youth organisation that was established in 2017 by youth worker and project manager Elaine Isadora Thomas with the goal of offering long-term mentorship and youth engagement solutions to young people from black and marginalised communities.
We provide help to kids from Hackney and the nearby boroughs who are between the ages of 10 and 25.
Where parents are working* they may be working extremely hard to make ends meet and therefore not able to provide the structures and opportunities needed for their children to be safe in the neighbourhood, achieve and thrive.*more commonly working in the City as cleaners, kitchen staff or security guards,.
We believe that the young people we serve are 'diamonds in the rough', with draw-dropping creative thinking, inspiring values and unsurpassable grit that is desperately needed in the British workforce.
Yet young people from black and marginalised communities do not have access to solid, reliable guidance in how to focus their skills and talents, to help improve British industries most pressing issues, and improve all of our futures.
With over 15 years experience in the youth sector Elaine, our Founder set out to demonstrate that black led community organisations can and should play a major role in supporting local young people and families.
The Mentoring Lab wants to boost young people's social mobility and break the cycle of poverty by collaborating with local governments and communities.
We do this through the delivery of programmes that allow us to identify the most at risk vulnerable young people, who go on to benefit from our following services;.*By utilising GAME TIME as a gateway to engaging young people that have fallen through the gaps; we support young people in overcoming barriers to their progression and enable them to access wider opportunities, that would not otherwise be available to them.
We receive participant feedback at the conclusion of each term and of the programme.
We give young people a safe space to reflect on their skills and values, and the workplace attitudes they will need to develop to be successful.
With the support of our professional volunteers, participants have the opportunity to increase their understanding of how to operate in a workplace, thus developing more confidence and less fear about the world of work.
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Holidays & terms

Holidays 2023/24

Holidays Date
Autumn Half Term Holidays 23rd Oct 2023 - 27th Oct 2023
Winter Holidays 21st Dec 2023 - 3rd Jan 2024
Spring Half Term Holidays 19th Feb 2024 - 23rd Feb 2024
Spring Holidays 29th Mar 2024 - 12th Apr 2024
Summer Half Term Holidays 27th May 2024 - 31st May 2024
Summer Holidays 23rd Jul 2024 - 2nd Sep 2024

Terms Dates 2023/24

Terms Dates
Autumn Term 1st Sep 2023 - 22nd Oct 2023
Autumn Term-2 28th Oct 2023 - 20th Dec 2023
Spring Term 4th Jan 2024 - 18th Feb 2024
Spring Term-2 24th Feb 2024 - 28th Mar 2024
Summer Term 13th Apr 2024 - 26th May 2024
Summer Term-2 1st Jun 2024 - 22nd Jul 2024
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